
Are you an ORGAN DONOR? Aussie Rules section please consider this.?

by  |  earlier

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In Australia, we have such a shortage of organ donors, the situation is getting very dire!

On our drivers licence we can nominate if we want to be an organ donor.

Should we change it so that we are automatically a donor and only state if we do not want to donate?

Please don't report this because it is in the Aussie Rules section. I think this Q belongs in every section. Thanks :)))




  1. I agree with you 100 percent.  I am in America and my husband died becdause he had to wait so long for a liver. many people would be donors if they understood the way things are and many people don't care one way or another so your idea is fabulous.  I believe that in some countries it is the way you are suggesting.

  2. I understand your point

    As ayra states it is up to your next of kin for final approval

    Australians must discuss this option with family BEFORE they die

    This is not any families favourite topic, if someone wants to donate he or she must make it clear to there families

    Families understandably act differently when grieving a loved one.

    Being a donor can delay funeral arrangements. Some people believe donating organs can be a macabre decision and do not want it to happen.

    I think the current system is fine however don't just tick the box on your licence discuss it with loved ones

  3. Yeah,i marked it on my licence at the time but i heard a rumour that thats not enough any more.

    You have to register with the Australian Organ Donation Register these days for it to be binding

    Just google it and you can do it online

  4. Just because it is a good cause does not make it alright to spam every category. Did something happen to one of your family members? Or you found out and wanted to do something to help?

    I am not going to report it but i think you should post it and you will get plenty of responses in the right spot. Why would you want an Afl players liver or kidney for any way, they drink to much. They will be the ones who need it. lol

    I would stop before you get banned. Everyone has their passion and their cause they want to help.

    Thanks for caring about us Aussies xoxo.

  5. I'm a selective donor.

    No, I don't think we should be automatically considered a donor.  We're entitled to our beliefs and idiosynchracies (like that word - more letters than 'vegemite'?).

    It is something though that more money should be spent on - with publicity and facilities.

    No report from me but my last three questions are gone, so looking carefully to see what happens with the answers!

  6. It sounds like a good idea.         HHmmmm. But!

    It means they give up their rights to their organs by default!

    Default of not signing up as a non donor.

    Legal & Ethical ramifications. HHMMMM

    The organs would still go to waste in the time spent arguing.

    OK. If the family complains, then don't harvest.

    If no complaint go ahead and harvest.

    The result would still probably be more organs.



  7. well done to you for donating and i mean that sincerely,but personally i don't think it should be compulsory we all have different beliefs in what happens to us after death and in life.I respect anyone who donates but i also respect the people who decide its not for them.

    If the only reason you give is because you expect others to do the same then you are doing it for the wrong reasons,be glad you may give someone the gift of life but don't pressure others into something they may not believe in or not wish to do,i understand the statistics and I'm sure we all wish others would donate but that's life and a free society.cheers!

  8. yes  everyone should be a donor...

    thanfully  I havent had the opportunity  yet!!!!!

  9. It's something to consider, but I don't think it would go over too well with a lot of people.

    When people go and get their license they may forget about the organ donor thing and not be aware that to not be one they have to specify that. Imagine the trouble it would cause when someones relative gets their organs taken out while they know that the deceased did not want that to happen.

    I just think it would cause some controversy.

  10. Well done, yes i have been an organ donor since i first got my licence, 28 years ago, so far no one wants my organs thank Christ,

    but you are right, not enough do it, we don't bloody need em when we are dead, they take them out of your body to weigh them and check em out any way, so why not let some other person use them.

    i remember as kid, 28 years ago, the police had me and some mates in a cop shop and were giving us a bit of a touch up because we would not admit to something, any way he grabs my licence and turns it over, (it was paper, with a red organ donor sticker on it), he said "that'll do, this kid can't be too bad he's an organ donor" i have never forgotten that, it made me realise that i was doing something right.

    Every one who reads this should really think about doing it. you could save someones life, that is 100% for sure.

  11. yes have been for 30yrs

    i also give blood when i can

  12. I am a donor yes (and an Aussie too) but just because you put a mark on your licence saying you will donate doesnt actually meant that you will donate if you pass.

    Your family actually gets final say on this.  So if you've nominated to donate your organs, but your family dont want you to and they are your next of kin, the doctors have to respect your family's wishes.

    At the moment it is an opt-in system and i think you are right in saying that it should be opt-out - where you say "no i dont want you to take my organs" like in Spain.  People also need to talk openly to their families about this so that their wishes are well understood and followed through.

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