
Are you an UNDECIDED voter?

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if so, at this point where both candidates stances are clearly available, what are you waiting for?

with all due respect of course




  1. I'm waiting for the debates.  I want to see the candidates head-to-head and off the cuff.  Not prepared speeches.  Not website outlining ideas.  

  2. I don't know why you'd be proud of it... the two represent such stark and contrasting views, to not have a sense of how you're going to vote by now... to me seems like ignoring the actual issues, having no position on the direction you want the country to go and just basing your vote on personality. I'm not sure who I like more when I hear them talk...

    I couldn't be more pro voting on issues, not personality. I know... I'm clearly not an undecided voter. I just thought I'd weigh in.

  3. i dont like either candidate...just like in the Bush/Kerry election. where do they find these people?

  4. well, i am sure not for someone raised a muslim and one who does not know how many states are in the USA and one who refused to say the Pledge of Allegence  (sp) to our flag, and neither am i for a man who has picked the likes of sarah palin as vp........but i suppose the second choice is the less of the 2 evils.

    All I can say is may God help us!

  5. no. OBAMA ALL THE WAY!!!

  6. OBAMA/BIDEN '08!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I'm voting for Obama

  8. I was undecided until Nancy Pelosi decided it was best to hold the vote open on the House Ethics Committee long enough to change the result to favor the Democrats.  Now I'm dead set on getting a Republican in the White House.

  9. As a q***r with aids I'm so for Obama. He will give me free government health care so I can battle my illness and continue my deviant lifestyle...

  10. I am an undecided voter and proud of it.  I don't vote for someone without the research.  I will not listen to smear ads, I will not listen to someone else.  I form my own opinion and if it takes time, then it takes time.  I wish everyone else took my consideration before they voted.  Maybe things wouldn't be quite so screwed up.  Oh, but yes, it's when Americans became lazy and allowed others to make decisions for them.... ok - thumbs down, but honestly, think about it.  Why do you vote for who you vote for?

  11. Obama 08! so no!


    I am so tired of Bush an the like of his people

  13. King Geoian, that's what I fear.  All three branches of govt. being in the Pelosi mold.  The next two years will having us all holding hands and singing "I'd like to buy the world a coke..." as well as paying for it.

  14. this election is so one sided ... you either get to vote for a old white balding guy who is ALWAYS president or you get to change history and vote for a black guy who has NEVER been president.

    Personally i don't trust either of them, I haven't heard anything good about either of them.

  15. Did someone above me say "13 year old"?

    How are you a voter to begin with?

    No, it's pretty simple.

    Socialism vs America

    McCain/Palin '08

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