
Are you an aircraft mechanic? How much do you make?

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Do you work in GA or the airline industry?..Sorry to be so direct, just curious about becoming an A&P




  1. I work on large cargo planes in South Texas. I am a contract employee and made about 46k last year with hardly any overtime worked. I've been in the industry for 11 years.


    this website will help you research median wages based on location

  3. Our director of maintence for our corporate flight deparment mad 90 k a year. A line mechanic about 60k.

  4. I know some guys in GA making 37/hr., some corperate jet leads making low 6 figs a year.  I work with guys making 15/hr in GA straight out of A&P school.  Consider this though 40% of students graduating from A&P school end up working in different industries, so if you got your A&P and you need to get out, you have a very marketable vocation.  Elevator repair companies love A&Ps they make good money, 70K +.  The subway rail system out here called BART likes A&Ps too, they pay 40/hr.  One of our A&P instructors did a long stint with Union Pacific railways.  Tug boat operators came to our school one time to recruit A&Ps. Some power companies have huge back up turbines that need upkeep and guess who they look for?  Go get that A&P rating, take care of planes but keep in mind you'll have a good set of skills you can use elsewhere.

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