
Are you an animal or a angel????

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What would you closely describe yourself to and why?




  1. "Man is a rope, tied between beast and overman--a rope over an abyss. A dangerous across, a dangerous on-the-way, a dangerous looking-back, a dangerous shuddering and stopping. What is great in man is that he is a bridge and not an end: what can be loved in man is that he is an overture and a going under. I love those who do not know how to live, for they are those who cross over." -- Friedrich Nietzsche, "Thus Spoke Zarathustra"

  2. we are all animals. but we can be angels at times.

  3. I act on what i believe should be done, my instincts, i don't do things for God's will.

  4. I am an angel that can be a wild and crazy animal!!

  5. 100% pure Angus Beef. No cereal, no fillers.

  6. Angel: Very much no

    Animal: Animals are reckless, im not so much

    Demon: Yes

  7. OCTOPUS...i hold on to what i want...and some...

  8. A camel. Camels spit in the face of adversity. And tourists.

  9. I have never been described as an angel but I have been called an animal (most recently by a married woman whose identity is a closely guarded secret) and also God's gift to women (by a disgruntled husband who felt that his wife admired my body too much when I ran by their house), so I guess you could say that I am an animal imbued with divine qualities, as all humans are...

  10. beauty in an eye of beholder as well as anything else. As you see so be it. World reflects back to you as you look at.

  11. Both, the human animal and the spiritual being.

  12. i guess an animal because im a human which are animals. and im not dead. so im not an angel. =)

  13. I'm a Human-Animal with a bent halo dangling from one of my ragged horns!

  14. Im a human!!

  15. I would say that I'm more of an angel.

    I believe that human people aren't animals and that we are in tune with the spiritual realm. Like angels.

  16. when it comes to s*x im an animal when it comes to being good im an angel

  17. I am a carbon based being with teeth shaped like, an animal.

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