
Are you an autodidact?

by Guest32757  |  earlier

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Thanks Ms. Phyllis for the great word which so aptly describes so many homeschoolers...

So, homeschoolers... are you an autodidact?




  1. who isn't??

  2. Yes I am. We're a family of autodidacts.

  3. Autodidact, I am.

    hmm sounds like a book...or a commercial..or something cool like that. :)

    Keep it up fellow autodidacts!

  4. You're welcome regarding the word "autodidact."

    I am definitely an autodidact, and I know my homeschooled son will be one as well.  There is so much to learn, and so many resources available.

    I became an autodidact because of my late father.  He was a man who had little formal education--quit school in the 11th grade and joined the army so he could help his father and siblings after the death of his mother.  Yet, he was able to converse intelligently, explain complex subjects to people, obtain jobs that were supposed to be for college graduates only, etc.  As a child, this amazed me!  Yet, I never asked him how he did this; I simply observed him.  I discovered he was a good listener, loved to read,, and carefully observed things and people.  Voila!  I had the answer or at least part of it.

    I am a lot more limited (by choice) in my scope of knowledge than my dad was, but I'm still a happy, and hopefully wise, autodidact.

  5. Yes indeed.

  6. Totally and learned more than I ever did at school!

  7. I absolutely am!  I'm teaching my kids to be, too.  My kids and I have  learned more through reading, experience and interest than you ever could in a "formal" setting.  I pulled off terrible grades while in school, but now I'm the one everyone in my family comes to with questions about literature, science, biology, nature, music, computers and trivia.  My four year old can name over twenty five local birds.  My six year old can identify thirty one countries on a blank map.  They learned these things almost completely by themselves because they're interested.

  8. Yes, but I think everyone is.  :)
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