
Are you an environmentally friendly Republican?

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Are you an environmentally friendly Republican?




  1. Yes. I am. So is my husband.

    Is it that strange to find a republican who is environmentally friendly, that you have to ask this question? I know several republicans who watch the energy they use, and recycle what they can. I hope more republicans respond to this.

    Take care & God bless!

  2. I'm more of a libertarian than anything else to be honest. I think the republicans to an ok job at some things, and the dems do an ok job at other things.

    But environmentalism should be, and must be, a non-partisan issue. PCB poisioning, water shortages, and air pollution don't discriminate based on whether you're Blue or Red.

  3. I am.  I asked once what people were personally doing for the environment, and I was just betting that the environmentalists were doing less than my non-environmentalist hubby.. We compost, grow our own food, separate the trash and take the recyclables to the humane society (which uses them like a fund raiser) compact fluorescent bulbs and LED's, plant local vegitation for the birds and wild life, Plastic on our windows, we reuse almost everything plastic, I save kitchen items for the school to use for arts and crafts. I use natural remedies form the "backyard problem solver" (a book) to care for my yard and garden. I use safe mesquito larve kill in the water by my home that will not harm the fish, ducks, wildlife....we have rescued our share of mallards ( i love ducks)  of course our dogs have killed thier share that have wandered into our yard too, so I guess we break even that way...we are reusing broken concrete to make our stepping stone style walk way, we are reusing unwanted paint from others for my hobby of re-doing furniture. I reuse those plastic flowerpots and egg cartons for seed starting. We blow our dryer into our house in the winter to humidify and get double bang for our energy bucks...We freecycle and donate to the salvation army what we can't use. we used to turn in ink cartriges to the school for a fund raiser/ recycling thing....but we've moved and haven't had to change ink yet.  We have a 4600 sq ft 101yr old house and our energy bills are lower than other people in our area with new houses and new windows...much smaller houses I might add.We have switched to an economy car, but we take the van when all seven of us are going somewhere together, My husband drives a motorcycle in the summer to save fuel. We  cut and reuse torn clothes and holey socks for cleaning rags...rather than  buy paper towels, our detergents are bio safe, (that helps with skin allergies) heck, when I worked near my house I walked to kids walk/ bike to school. We walk to thier school when we need to go there for something. I breast fed all my kids, and used cloth diapers umm I think there's probably more. I cut everyones hair in my house (don't laugh I'm good) and put that into the compost too. I reuse water like crazy on my house plants. my three boys are all tair step so all the clothes get three uses usually. throw out the lint for the birds to nest with. toss out the crumbs for the birds..we hae gone wireless with all of our money matters (paperless I guess is a better term) hmm maybe that's all  oh yeah I donate all my half used craft/sewing supplies and material to the local quilting club at the church so they make quilts to send to third world countries....uhmmm I almost always buy used anymore...except some clothes., I did however replace all the appliances in my house with energy star rated appliances when we first moved in.....ok maybe that's all...this was fun....what do the environmentalists do?(because my husband would deny he is one to his dying breath)

  4. I am, but I don't understand what that has to do with being a Republican.

  5. Oh yeah.  Republicans (or more properly Conservatives) conserve and use wisely the resources they have.  People who think differently need to join Ralph Nader.  I get annoyed when some twerp tries to tell me they are more Conservative than I am, or worse yet, call me a liberal.  The only thing that gives them the freedom to behave so badly is people like me who answered our country's call in time of war.  Where were their parents when they were growing up?

  6. We are happy, our children know it.

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