
Are you an optimist? or a pessimist?

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do you say the glass is half full or half empty?




  1. pessimist,always,thats why i am never disapointed with anything

  2. It depends on whether it is being filled, or being emptied.  If I'm in the process of pouring a glass of milk, it's half empty.  If I'm in the process of drinking it, it's half empty.

  3. I'm an optipessimist

  4. A pessimist.

    If you expect the worst you are never disappointed and you might even be pleasantly surprised.

  5. An eternal optimist.

  6. I am an optimist... It leads me to the pedestal of my dream! I often dream big even its too impossible but I don't care. I firmly believe that nothing is impossible. Nowhere else, it may not be as appropriate as what I expected but at least I achieve the most likely on it.

  7. neither opmistic nor pessimitic inbetween life also like that so this my answer

  8. I own the glass so it doesnt matter

  9. depends... in some situations the glass is half full in other its half empty... for example if i had a glass of water wich was half full thn id look at it as half full not half empty.. but most of the time i am a pessimist and look at things in a glass half empty way... =/

    what about you?

  10. It depends.

    If your poured something INTO of the glass, half full.

    If your poured/drank something OUT of the glass, half empty.

    So I'm both a pessimist and an optimist.

    Yay ^^

  11. Well, I use to be a pessimist 99% of the time, but I always seemed to be getting negative drives from not only the people around me but me personally. So, I decided to try to be positive more, and it seems like things go a little smoother now, even if I had the same situation as when I being negative.

    For instance: your car breaks down when you and a bunch of friends are going to the movies.

    pess: great, now my cars broke/this is embarrassing/this is going to cost a fortune/it's hot out here

    opt. well, at least I have my friends with me/I could have lost control and died, but I'm glad I'm alive/at least the car didn't break down in the middle of no where with no help.

    I think you get it..

    Good luck.. and stay positive! :)

  12. I say the glass is half full.

    I'm ever the optimist, always looking on the brighter side of life :D

  13. my glass is always empty so I am optomistic that someone will refill it, however when it is full I am pessimistic that I really want to drink it as it means I am going to have to get another drink. So if I have a full glass I assume that my optimism of getting another bought for me is high, but if my mates are all gone home then I have to be pessimistic about drinking it to get a refill. does that make sense

  14. it should always be half full, positive expression !

  15. depends on the situation.

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