
Are you an optimist or a pessimist?

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Which one and why? I'm a pessimist because I always lose.




  1. I'm still trying to figure out if the glass is half full, or half empty.

  2. I'm actually a realist. I determine an outcome based on past history. Or I logically try to figure out what an outcome will be. The only problem is, I worry about the situation until it's over. If I were an optimist, I wouldn't worry. If I were a pessimist, I would just assume the worst and not worry.

  3. bit of both sometimes things go right sometimes things go wrong

  4. Pessimist

    I can never see the bright side of things.

  5. I'm an optimist. Most definitely!

  6. Optimist :D:D!

  7. I'm an optimist because although I sometimes lose I have the optimism to try harder next time if you are a pessimist you will always lose because of your mentality...

    P.D. I think this question is half full hahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Pessimist.

    Optimism kills.

  9. Optimist Most of The Time- i Like To Get What i Want, So i TRy My best To Do So And i usually Think If One Thing Doesnt Work Than ANother Thing Will And Hope For The best!

  10. im a pecisimmist

  11. Pessimist, plan for the worst and am happy when the best comes.

  12. It's difficult to be completely one or the other. It would take a lot of discipline. Most people are optimists one one day and pessimists another.

  13. im a pessimest

  14. i am an optimist because i try to look on the best side of everything. its easier that way to be happy then sad and i dont' want to be sad.

  15. pessimist!!  a pessimist is never dissapointed!

  16. pessimist when i lose, optimist when im doing something productive

  17. I used to consider myself a pessimist.

    now I'm proud to be an optimist! :D

  18. i would say the the glass is currently containing half of its capactiy

    y? cuz im smart like that

  19. Optimist. I hope I win this one.

  20. I try to be an optimist, I'm a very happy person so I guess that's why.

  21. optimist, because I am proud of myself, and what I can do.

  22. neither just plain scyincle.

  23. cautiously optimistic

  24. a little bit of both. I can't say I'm one without the other.

  25. i am a HUGE pessimist unfortunately.. pretty funny to see me and my bf together cause hes the most optimistic person ever.

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