
Are you and your mate/spouse independent or dependent of one another socially?

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meaning, do you do everything waking thing together? Or do you do some things with your mate/spouse, some things with family, and some things with friends?




  1. We do family things together. When I go out I go with friends because its not his thing. But other than that we do everything else together.

  2. i do almost everyhting with him even though sometimes he would like me to go by myself or wih friends but i barely do . but somethings are definetely family only .

  3. There's a good balance! We both work full-time so we spend 10 hours a day apart to begin with. Some night my mom takes me out to a movie or to play bingo and he stays home by himself. sometimes i feel tired and not so social so he'll go out to our friends (across the street, very convenient) and hang out with them. sometimes we have dinner parties or go out with people. it all depends on the situation and how life is. we do do a lot together, because we are best friends and enjoy each other company. but there are times when I have "girl time" (get my nails and hair done, go to bingo, work out at curve's, go to karaoke with a girlfriend) and there are times when he as "guy time" (pay-per-view fights with his buddies, shooting whiskey with the neighbor guy, tearing apart a car for a rally) ... Every couple needs to do things together AND apart, otherwise, what would you have tot alk about if you were together 24/7?  

  4. we're pretty much together all the time.  sometimes we get annoyed with eachother and offer to give one another some me-time, but that's only like once a month.

  5. me and my husband do everything together.  only every big once in a while i go out with my friends alone.  mostly we go out with friends in groups but together i dont mind.  cuz hes my bestfriend.

  6. We are very much into each other most of the time.

  7. We know nearly all of each others friends and most of our friends are couple friends and we prefer to go out with each other.  However he is free to go out with the guys and I go out with the girls once in a while.  

  8. Most times we go out together, but there are time when I go out with my friend/family without him and vise-versa.

    I should add that now that we have a baby, we rarely go out just the 2 of us, we do things as a family :)

  9. Almost every social activity I do involves my boyfriend, who I live with. Whether it's family or friendly functions, he comes with me and I go with him for his family and friends. To be honest, when he's not there I feel like something's missing and I'll try to get out of it or leave earlier than I would. He makes me feel comfortable wherever we are. Some might think it's bad, but I love the fact that we want to spend so much time together. We've been inseparable for 4 years now.

  10. Well, it may not be a good thing, but we are completely dependent on one another for every social event.  In the 6 years we have been dating I can probably count on my fingers the times we have been apart socially, whether its with friends or family.  Its a good thing at times, but it makes it more difficult to be apart when it is needed.

  11. My husband and I are dependent on each other socially. I tried to go hang out with my friends but it's so hard because I miss him. I like spending time with him. We both work long hours. It's tough to balance because neither of us get that much free time. There are kids involved too, his.

  12. My boyfriend loves to play cards with his friends.  They play twice a month and rotate which house they play at.  When it is his turn at his house, I make all the sandwiches and snack foods for the fellows because my boyfriend is not good at that.  Then I go home and busy myself with sewing or crocheting, or sometimes I catch up on my reading or watch a movie.  Othertimes, I might visit my daddy.  Then when the game is over, he calls me, and I go over and help him clean up, and then we might sleep together.  We are not married so I am still virgin, but he holds me while we sleep.  It is nice.  Then there are times my boyfriend likes to play softball.  Sometimes I watch, and chat with the girls, but mostly I use those times to go shopping with my girlfriends or get my hair cut, or do some other girly things.  We always meet afterwards, and get something to eat, sometimes just the two of us and sometimes with a few of the fellows on his team.  I just love my boyfriend and want him to do whatever he likes to do, and I busy myself with my own interests then.  

  13. we are independant

    We don't do anythingt together except house work sometimes.

  14. most of the time i am not hanging out with my friends as she is with her...independent

  15. i have no social life.  she pretty much chased all our friends away.

  16. We balance it out. We like to do stuff together, but we're also both fairly independent, so it doesn't cause a problem for us to have our own things to do.

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