
Are you annoyed when................?

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Are you annoyed when people automatically name jobs under the domestic domain with something feminine in the title? For example, a "team mom", "room mom", "soccer mom"? Aren't there fathers out there too that do these jobs? I know I am. The 50's are over; women aren't the only people in the house any longer.




  1. My school and classroom as well as parents are "politically correct". We refer to helpers in the classroom or school as volunteers, parent/family helpers, or room parent.  

  2. yes i find it completely sexist

    i mean we are both equal here

  3. i am women hear me roar

  4. Not really no. Yeah, It's sexist but It still doesn't bother me.

  5. no i don't care. cause then if a dude takes the roll of a soccer mum then other dudes can make fun of him.

  6. I guess I've never really thought about it before.

  7. blah doesn't really matter to me

  8. And then you have

    the "Mail Man"

    the "Paper Boy"

    and the ever popular

    "Cable Guy" !!

  9. yes

  10. never thought about it,i know alot of women who do call themselves coach,even if their not actually.

  11. They are stuck in the past when women stayed at home while men went to war

  12. Not really I's just kind of classifying, sometimes stereotyping that type of woman. It's not saying anything about men doing it or not doing it too.

  13. U R Right - moms ain't the only ones in the house.

    But it's MOM who wears the dominant Thong.

  14. Thats a very good point

  15. riiight women don't belong on the internet. That's fine. We'll leave you guys to your big internet sausage fest.

  16. hmm.. well im not a mom, but i guess it does suck and it might be pretty annoying.  

  17. sure there are, but it hasn't been long enough that we've created cute nicknames like that for them. =)

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