#1Private mercenary army of 100 Thou to 200 Thou soldiers.* #2 no longer right to habeus corpus & no right to consult with an attorney.* #3 Over 300 new detention facilities built over the last 6 years & are not yet being used.* #4 No protection of posse comitatus which bars the military from being used against its citizens inside this country.* #5 Executive Branch of Government the ability to declare martial law without the approval of congress.* #6 An Executive Order that says anyone who conspires to block the U.S. efforts to stablelize Iraq will have all of their assets seized, bank accounts, property, drivers license, everything or anyone else who tries to help that person in any way, including attorneys,or family who try to support , and or shelter such a person.* #7 Voting machine rigging, disqualifying of 100's of thousands of democratic voters.* What part of a fascists state is missing? What situation might be used to declare martial law?* Law or Lawlessness by Marc Ash>