
Are you (as an individual) prepared now if a major nuclear attack was to occur in America?

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If not, why?




  1. And how exactly is one supposed to prepare for a

    "major nuclear attack"? Dig a really deep hole and

    sit in it all day?

  2. Ah! More specific XD

    I don't think I would be. I'm highly dependent on medicine such as insulin and such.

  3. No.  This isn't the 1950's.  Most of us don't have our own bomb shelter.  So if a major nuclear attack occurred here, most of us would die.

    I'm not a big supporter of the war, but I believe one of its purposes is to prevent IT from coming HERE.

  4. no

    I'm not as flexible as I once was

    I would not be able to bend over and kiss my own

    ### goodbye


  5. Yes, by living in Canada.

  6. no I'm not, still can't bend far enough to kiss my butt goodbye

  7. yes  i live in thailand   thats far enough away

  8. Yes...  EVERYONE should have a couple months worth of canned foods - stuff you can eat on a regular basis so that you can 'rotate it out' with you regular meals and keep it fresh - what does it cost to have a couple months of extra food around - not much!!!

    Water - keep a few gallons of water - either in gallon water jugs or a barrel...  it is easy to do and water lasts a LONG time in storage.  Keep some money tucked away in the house - whatever you can afford and are comfortable with... a couple extra hundred dollars will go a LONG way when the ATM's stop working!!

    As for all those that say stuff like: we'll all be dead anyway... well, that is probably NOT the case...  millions would survive even a large scale attack and most people would survive a small terrorist nuke attack...  GOTTA BE PREPARED... NOT JUST FOR NUKES, but for hurricanes, tornadoes, power outages etc...  The government WILL NOT be there right away to help us all - just look at Katrina... !!!

    It is EASY and cheap to be prepared.. If everyone did it, then more people would be comfortable and emergency situations would be a LOT less of an EMERGENCY!!!  :)

  9. Nope no matter how prepared we will all die.

  10. No, it seems we wouldn't stand a chance anyway. Either it gets you or it doesn't.

  11. my husband is obsessed with this. and yes to my belief and my husbands preparedness . we are.

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