
Are you as dissapointed in Hillary Clinton as I am?

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When campaigning against Obama, she bashed him for many things including not having experience . . . and now she is asking all of her supporters to get behind Obama. I understand supporting your party is important; but can't you support your party and still stand by your beliefs?




  1. That's just not how politics works. BOTH of them, in the process of seeking the nomination, said things about the other in order to win. If Clinton had won, Obama would be in her shoes, having to eat his words and support the party. I think she truly does believe that he will make a good president, and I really don't think she ever said otherwise. I think her point was that SHE would be a better candidate over him, and of course anyone is going to say that.

    She's doing the right thing in supporting Obama, and I think that she TRULY supports him.  

  2. I heard today on the news that Hillary supporters felt confident backing Obama when Bill Clinton gave his speech.  Really?  Do we remember that this is the same man that didn't inhale and didn't have relations with THAT women? It simply shows how gullible some people can be.

  3. I'm disappointed that Hillary didn't stand behind her convictions to be POTUS this time around (I don't care this 2012 nonsense).  It was manifest destiny for her to be the Dem nominee and she sure as h**l knew it.  But the country favored a far less experience fellow and for purely partisan principles she chose party over personal convictions.

    I'd sure as h**l be happier with her in the White House than Bark Obama.  Bark is a silly, silly young man who hasn't earned his stripes.  I'm angry that Hillary places partisan politics over personal convictions and solidifies my belief that Dems are, indeed, monolithic and will eat their young to keep a liberal in office.  Hillary was my hope for the future, and now I am angry with her and I look at the Dems as the scums of the planet.

  4. It's the democratic party not the hillary party.

    And if hillary wants a future with the democrats, she has to rally her supporters under obama, the democratic nominee.

  5. Oh, come on - Clinton's not the first to do this and she won't be the last.  Obama wants her delegates; guaranteed he's doing more sucking up than she is.  It's called politics.  You just want an excuse to bash her.

  6. She's doing it because:

    1. She can't do it, having not been nominated.

    2. The last thing the Democrats need is such a huge divide.

    3. Especially when there are Republicans to beat.

  7. I guess she's trying to unify her party. Or maybe it's a "if you can't beat them; join them" kind of thing.

  8. Geez! What does Hillary have to do?

    Some say she only gave Obama half-hearted support and now you're saying she's giving him too much. Fact is no matter what a politician does, someone is going to be upset.  

  9. It would seem kind of odd if you told all your supporters to get behind someone you continued to bash not to mention make the party seem more divisive. It would also have knocked out any chance to become vice president and make her look as if she's spiteful she didn't win.

    While all she said can be forgiven in the presidential race I don't think she gave a c**p about him then so it wouldn't have mattered.

  10. I am, She played dirty and since she lost her behind now she going to try to clean it up and act innocent...

  11. Why is this NOW a popular question to ask? This sort of thing has gone on in every election but all of a sudden people want to question this practice.

    Be disappointed that Clinton ran a poor, sleazy campaign.

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