
Are you as disturbed by this as I am?

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  1. Not in the least.

    Does she not have a right to her religious beliefs?

    Did it disturb you when Obama's pastor said Godd*mn America?

    You people are so brainwashed that you fear Christians more than Muslim extremists.

  2. I think the democrats should wait until she gets the official nomination and then end her.  People need to hear this stuff.

  3. Yes I am disturbed.OBAMA BIDEN 08

  4. "making sure our troopers have their cop cars and their uniforms and their guns, and making sure our public schools are funded. But really that stuff doesn't do any good if the people of Alaska's hearts aren't right with God.” ARE YOU SERIOUS? did she really say that? how embarrassing...  

  5. I find it very disturbing. I honestly don't trust the judgment of anyone who believes the earth is 10,000 years old.

    This is a serious issue, not Bristol's pregnancy.

  6. if the state of the country didn't potentially lie in this woman's hands i'd be laughing my tush off. at this stage in the game, if the last 8 years have taught us anything its that we need to start asking questions and not following anything blindly. and that's what she obviously does. and that's why she and mccain will not be the next president.

  7. So much for the separation of church and state if she gets in.

  8. Fanaticism, whether it is Muslims or Christians or Jews is a dangerous and very scary thing. This woman seems to think that God has a particular political point of view. That can lead to nothing short of disaster. Verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry disturbing!

  9. Mccain was pushed by the far right to pick her

    if he wins he will be another puppet president of the Neo-Cons

    this does not surprise me. hopefully the far right can be flushed out of the republican party by 8 years of Obama

    Obama 08  

  10. we are now officially in a place somewhere between the Twilight Zone and Wonderland, where things just keep getting curiouser and curiouser...and yes, this news is VERY disturbing...

  11. Wow. So disturbing. People actually praying that good things happen for America. That is disturbing....

  12. makes a 3rd term by GW BUSH look really good right now!

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