
Are you as frustrated as l am with "We`re just taking a breather.....? I think l know why

by  |  earlier

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Tonight I attempted to answer two questions. The content was constructive but complex, so both answers were lengthy. Now l`m not the quickest on the keyboard, and when it came to posting them, the "taking a breather" came up. After 10 minutes of trying to submit it l gave up. The same thing happened on the other one. Why does this only occur in long replies? Why does the spell checker give up after the first few lines? Why do so many questions go missing? Is it because the new Y/A system cannot cope? Any comments from any other frustrated participants? l`d love to hear them ta!




  1. Just spent 10 mins answering a question and got the same! AARRRGHH!!!!!!!

  2. Use the forum:


  3. yea well I have been trying to answer  question for like 90 minutes now and they are still taking that d**n breather!!!

  4. This happens to me, and everytime I write a question longet then a paragraph- I have stopped using YA as a result, I maybe log on once or twice a week, it used to be once a day before. Thier loss, not mine, better things to do with my time then have it wasted by a collapsing system.

  5. i know ive almost stopped using it

  6. Hi

    I tried a dozen times for two days then gave up. This has happened on at lease three occasions. The problem seems to be long responses. New Zealand answers seem to be the worst.

    I complained using the forum 2 days ago about this.



  7. The best place to have a beef is in the forum. [lefthand side of page near the bottom] Yahoo do actually monitor it there.

  8. i havnt yet got a "were taking a breather" by answering a question but ive been trying to ask a question all day and its fustrating me because i want to get a problem solved and i just cant because my question wont submit.

    ive seriuosly started trying to ask it from about 10 o clock this morning and still am trying.

    waht are Y/A doingg??

  9. I had it also. as a matter of fact  a few minutes ago. Only with long answers. Very frustrating


    It seems that Y!A can´t handle symbols in posts. The % sign is mentioned but other signs, or signs in general are mentioned.

    Although the sign above passed without troubles. (I am re-editing after posting the sign)

    Anyway it happens mostly when I try to post codefragments.

    (Which is difficult anyway in Y!A)

    Posting a lot of links in a posts seems also causing it to happen.

    So in general, the advise is;

    Answer short, not to often(Or you might hit your daily limit), don´t mention to much sources(to much links), don´t post to long code fragments. (They have a lot of symbols in it)

    In short, be a bad member :-(

    Edit 2:

    What seems to help is to post a placeholder answer.

    Just post the first few lines of your answer, go back, edit your answer and past back in the rest.

  10. But if you open a second internet connection and go the YA, you can answer questions through that connection while your first connection is still telling you YA is taking a breather...   Odd, no?  There's just something faulty with YA.

  11. They do have probs with the percent sign, i was trying for an hour to answer a question and kept getting we are taking a breather... and when i changed the percent sign, to percent as you spell it, and hey presto it worked :)

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