
Are you as mad about this as I am: Solar Panels vs. Trees?

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Figures this sort of thing would happen in California.

Mr. Vargas invested $70,000 in solar panels. Apparently his neighbor's (Richard Treanor and Carolyn Bisset) trees blocked the sunlight. After a six year legal battle to get rid of the trees guess which side won?

You guessed it: The couple was ordered by a judge to cut down two of their trees to comply with the Solar Shade Control Act.

Even though the trees were there BEFORE the solar panels, they were deemed unlawful because they cast a shadow on Mr. Vargas's solar panels between the hours of 10 a.m to 2 p.m.

Tell me, what gives anyone the right to decide what goes on in one's PRIVATE PROPERTY? I think Mr. Vargas's actions were ill-considered both as a neighbor and an American citizen. California is still part of the U.S. isn't it? He should realize that we live in a free society where you cannot force other people to change just because it doesn't suit your lifestyle. Blame also lies with the government too.




  1. They could not have put the solar panels somewhere else their property or have installed one of those smaller wind turbines

  2. Stupidity wins again. Mr Vargas should have realized that 1) The trees were there, 2) Trees grow, and 3) Trees will eventually shade the south side of his house. He has no right to decrease the neighbor's property value for his own benefit. The case should have been appealed immediately.

    What idiot made the decision? Judge Judy?

  3. I have news for you. The government has total control on what you can do on your PRIVATE PROPERTY. In most cities you cannot fire a gun or ignite fireworks. You cannot make methamphetamine or grow Marijuana. You cannot build a factory in residential zone. You cannot make loud noises at night. And on and on and on. The list of government restrictions on private property use is almost endless.

    I know of the California law against shading the solar panels, but don't know the details. I suspect if someone actually put panels on the ground in the shade of an existing house next door that the law would not require the house to be torn now. That would not be reasonable. Your story says the neighbor, "PLANTED the redwoods before he installed the solar panels". So at the time the solar panels were installed the trees were no doubt not tall enough to shade them and subsequently grew too tall. This is not so different from a small tree that grows so large that limbs hang over the neighbor's house or the roots damage the neighbor's foundation. In those cases the tree owner can be forced to trim or remove the tree. It is only a small additional step from overhanging limbs and invading roots to shading solar panels. I agree with the law and agree the solar panels should win in this case.

  4. How crazy to spend six years of your life trying to get trees cut down instead of moving the solar panels to a location where they work better. All that wasted energy and creating bad energy between him and his neighbour.

    What was the judge thinking,you know for the judge  to buy into that intsead of creating an alternative picture and getting them to move the solar panels your anger is justified!!!!!!!!

  5. How sad is this to hear!  You've got it right Solar power vs. Trees.  Who would even think about cutting down trees to help "save" the environment.  Sounds like some people have their priorities in the WRONG order!

  6. I must say, that would peeve me beyond anything reasonible.

    If I had to cut down my trees, I'd be do a bit of research, into plants that produced a LOT of pollen.  My landscaping would be completely covered with plantings that produced as much dust, duff, and pollen as possible.  

    Then my lovely neighbors could spend the rest of their lives climbing up onto roofs to wash the pollen off.  Pines and oaks are great pollen producers.

    I'd plant a walnut tree also.  Walnut trees attract crows.  The crows come steal the walnuts, and let them drop to the ground to break open...pretty sure a few would hit the solar panels.

    I'd feed a lot of birds too....bird p**p for all.

    I completely believe in the need for alternative energies.  However these kinds of frivilous lawsuits drive me nuts.    When building solar, or wind power onto your home, you need to take your neighbors and their plantings into concideration.  

    Why does it not suprise me this happened in California?

    It's a lovely state, I've driven through there several times (top to bottom).  You couldn't pay me to live there however.


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

  7. The irony is fn hilarious.Sorry if I offend but that is funny as h**l!!!!

  8. Does anything that happens in California surprise anyone ?

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