
Are you as sick as I am of that party and their fear tactics trying to get people elected!!?

by  |  earlier

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Global warming, end of the world scenarios, inner city violence, people out of work, homeless, people with no healthcare eating dogfood!


... or did you think I meant some other party??




  1. That isn't fear tactics hun, that is reality.

    I know you people think reality has a liberal slant, but you people had your chance to prove yourselves, and all you have is swiftboat tactics and...the terrorists are going to get you!

    To bad you don't know enough about politics to realize it is Republicans who have been weak on national security, and supplied the weapons to everyone that are killing our troops.

  2. Unless you've seen a doctor, I have no way of telling whether you're physically ill.  Now as for your mental health, are there sharp objects nearby.....

  3. HUZZAH!!!!

    It wouldn't be a Democratic Presidential Candidate without a bunch of imaginary "CRISIS"!!!

  4. Yes, the sky is falling.  

  5. do realize that your own party used color coded 'terror warnings' just before 2 different elections to scare people into voting for their party out of fear!>!>??

  6. yeah... the earth isn't warming, inner cities are super safe, we have a negative unemployment rate, no on is homeless and everyone has health care...

    you're one of those people who they talk about when they say "clueless elitist"... aren't you?

    Run on the "everything is perfect" platform... please...

  7. yes, I'm sick of the lies perpetrated by the dems as much as you are.

  8. heh -

  9. You missed these:  unpopular 100-year war, mortgage crisis, abortions illegalized, tax breaks for the rich, World War III....

  10. ur avatar looks like sarah palin

  11. Jeez, I bet the next thing they're going to do is make up a bunch of stuff about a country halfway around the world that doesn't have Christians so that we can fight a war against them and get a lot of Americans killed.

    Oh those Democrats, always trying to scare people!

  12. Sick of it? Turn off your tv!



    an Obamanation!

    Nobama! Nobama!Nobama!

    McKing/Princess Palin/2008!

  13. yes, republicans are horrible these days. You do realize that republicans talk about all of these things too.

    You forgot voter fraud. Apparently a dozen cases in the last 10 years qualifies as a mass liberal conspiracy. Therefore we must prevent thousands of people from voting every election just to prevent one or two people from trying to vote twice.

  14. AMEN!!!

    I just read a great article by Andrew McCarthy that explains just how many of us feel, and how last night's speech tapped a vein.  An excerpt:

    More importantly, the speech tapped into a teeming reservoir of repressed rage. Memo to Barack Obama: You’re right, many of us are bitter. We are d**n angry about being framed as “the American Taliban” because we love our country and think it’s exceptional as is; because we think you deal with evil by defeating it, not cozying up to it; because the change we think we need is a government that shrinks and gets out of the way, not a confiscatory, will-sapping Leviathan; because we don’t see “patriotism” as the willingness — the eagerness — to catalogue America’s flaws while never acknowledging her greatness; because when it comes to “reputation in the world,” we think it’s the “international community” not the United States that has a lot of catching up to do.

    Read the whole thing.

  15. I am more upset at the Republicans using bait and switch.

    They have Romney condemn the neocons to distance them from the Bush administration, then they slide a new one in.

    Palin's ties to them are starting to leak out.

    Four more years of the same old that the best they can do?

  16. I don't what you are referring too..

    but I'm voting for McCain/Palin

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