
Are you at a stage in your life?

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Where you have made peace with everyone and done the things that you feel you need to do as far as knowing if something happens to you that you have made your peace with those you need to? Not just because we are Seniors, sometimes health issues, or just thinking things, have you made your peace with those you need to??




  1. Yes aad I have made all my funeral arangments along with a living will. When you have major health problem it's best to do these thing ahead of time. I have lived a good life and hope every thing is in order

  2. yes

    I totally feel at peace and have nothing I have not taken care of that I would regret

    I could go tomorrow and be okay with it

  3. can't make peace with some one that doesn't want to ,won't listen and won't talk .i guess i'll just have to get over it,to many years wasted already,how do u accept the unacceptable?

  4. I have not made peace with my sister-in-law I cant stand her, she is money mad and would rip off her old granny for a £1 00.

    The strange thing is for all her con tricks she is no better off, and still not in a house of her own. I have not seen her for 10 years and wouldn't care if I never seen her again.

    My son know what to give to everyone in the family and he will carry out my wishes.

  5. hi , you made perfect sense , lol .

    i think i have made peace and i have tryed to right any wrong i may have done in the past . i have no regrets and at this point i feel content enough to know that if i should go , that i would leave nothing undone . do you understand , lol .

    have a great day ! d.

  6. I'm ready to go, but let's not rush it.

  7. Yes I am at Peace with everything and everyone.  That does not mean that I never get irritated, or upset, it just means that I am living my life the best I can, being as loving and caring as I can be:-


    Being - being the best that I can be

    Loving - loving the downs and ups of me

    Within - Listening to what I have to say

    Treating myself, with respect, every day.

    Knowing - that changes can be made

    Seeing - that all my dues are paid

    Hard to do

    See it through

    Try once again

    Releasing - having the trust and faith in me

    Forgiving - hard as it sometimes seems to be.

    To flow - learning to live right in the now

    Being aware - of whatever I am doing

    Clearing - clearing away the guilt and fear

    spreading - my light to all those near

    Being - Being the best that I can be


    I wrote this poem 20 years ago, when my children were growing up and I was trying hard to be a good mother.

  8. There are many things that I could have done better, but what's done is done.  No sense in dwelling on that.  I try to make peace with issues as they come up, but sometimes I like to disturb the peace a bit, just because.

  9. yes I'm at the best stage in life and more to come if it ended tom oz i know my family friends all know that i love them.

    i have done things that ive wanted to achieve not saying theres loads more that i would love to do.

    after being ill it changed my out look that you need to live 4 today as you dont know what the future holds.

  10. Yep, no regrets. Ready to go with a clear conscience as well.

  11. We do think more about these things as we get older and the health problems begin to pile up.  I have put off cleaning out a few closets but otherwise my life is in fairly good order.  I can't think of anyone that I owe an apology and I've never believed holding a grudge was worth the effort.  My Christian faith has given me peace about the hereafter.

  12. I'll NEVER be able to make peace with everyone.

    s***w 'EM...they can die wondering...just like me!

    I see no reason to play kissy face with anyone before I die.

    It'll be more fun to see who comes back to haunt whom after our hearts stop beating.  

    That's the stage of life I'm into...REALITY!!!

  13. For the most part, yes. I try to live each day in peace with myself and others. I believe we create our own dramas and we always have the choice to create peace as well. There is one rift in our clan that persists despite my attempts to mend fences. I know I've given it my best shot.

    I find it amusing when people look for others to give them what they feel they are lacking. A little reflection and they can learn to give what they need to themselves. At this stage I feel that I do deeply and completely love and accept myself and all in my life.

  14. Yes I have.

  15. Yep.

  16. Yep, I'm prettty much at peace with my maker

  17. Hi Pagan makes sense to me! Well everyone I know still speaks to me and so I must be alright in that dept.When my mother died we had not made peace, but I don't suffer because of it. God see's our heart and he knows these things about us that we don't always share with others, even those we love. ox    here is a star for you, Poppy

  18. What an interesting question!

    I'm not a Senior per se (I'm only turning 30 in a few days), but, yes I'm at a stage in my life.  Believe it or not, I reached a level where I can die in peace!

    Family wise: My parents are still together and living a healthy life. We are very close and see each other very often.

    Career wise: I've finished a Master's degree, I came top of my promotion. I got a great position in a growing company and I soon reached the executive level.

    On the financial side: I'm almost making a 6 figure salary. I own a condo, a new car, a sailing boat and many pieces of art. Not to mention other investments. I have no debt, except for my mortgage, which is soon to be paid off in full.

    On a personal level: I educate myself continuously. I traveled almost everywhere in the world, I'm involved in many activities (sports and social), I volunteer a lot, I have no enemies that I'm aware of and I have close friends that I can count on at least 2 hands!

    Finally, and most importantly, on the spiritual level: I have faith. I believe in God, creator of heaven and earth. I believe that my health and wealth is a gift from above. If I die, right here, right now, I would definitely die in peace.  

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