
Are you at ease with the thought of death?

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Are you at ease with the thought of death?




  1. I believe that after death, we continue to exist in a non-physical form that is quite pleasant, although I'm not a Christian. So yes, I am at ease with death. Even if I didn't believe in an afterlife, I wouldn't be scared. Death is inevitable for everyone, so we might as well get used to it! Besides, I was fine being nonexistant before birth, so I would have no problem with it after death.

  2. No, having seen and heard my mother drawing her last breath in a hospital bed, and seen so many R-rated movies that showed soldiers and victims dying in such realistic fashion. The silent tears and sometimes the fear in the eyes say that dying may be a painful or fearful process. Many souls of the young are unwilling to leave the familiar world to enter an unknown one.

    But when my time comes, i suppose i have to resign myself to such fate. Death will be inevitable and one cant do much, except to muster all one's energy to say farewell, to apologize for one's wrongs or to forgive someone.

  3. No actually the thought of death scares the h**l out of me.  The very thought of not being alive is the issue. Too many people go through out their days not being alive, and then in the blink of an eye you're dead or at very least wish you were.

  4. Death of others? It depends on the circumstances. (Age, health, where, how, and so on.) My own death? I suppose so. If I live then I have to die at some point and if I do go then I can't do much about it really. I would not be at ease with going in a really grusome way though. Talking about death? Yes, I guess so, it's how I cope and I'm not easily disturbed or offended in general...?

    Death in general? Yeah, it's fine with me. Fact of life and nature. So to me the only thing to do, really, is accept it.

  5. well it's pointless not to be.. you are born and as such bestowed with a death sentence.. either accept it or don't but the earlier you see yourself as already dead and capable of dying at any moment the earlier you can get on with your life

  6. if i die in my sleep when i am old, and have fulfilled my dreams and done hat i set out to do, i will feel ready. Im also sure there is more to death. I embrace the change, whatever it may be.

  7. I would like to be around for as long as my family want me, but as a sufferer from copd and connected to oxygen it is not likely I will be here much longer and to be quite honest in a wheelchair and so on I am so much in pain and so weary that the thought of death itself worries me not at all, in fact it soothes me to know my time will come to rest and leave the pain etc., behind. There is lots to live for, but really rest would be welcomed.  

  8. Yes, it doesn't trouble me at all. Why worry about something you can do nothing to avoid ?  

  9. Im not sure, is it going to hurt, will I know when its happening, what will happen next, are my kids going to be okay, i hope i dont leave to much behind for my family to have to worry about? I have so many questions and wonders about it. So yah it kinda weirds me out to think about it.

  10. Yes, I don't believe in an afterlife and I'm not religious at all, I just don't want it to happen too soon or be painful when it comes. I'd hate to drown or be caught in a fire, knowing the end had come. Better to die peacefully in your sleep when you're about 80. We can all hope.

  11. There was a time when i was not at ease but, now i understand that i can't control, when i die , where i die etc.but after some counseling sessions  i have accepted the fact and now i am at ease.

  12. Yes..death is like a ship sailing off into the horizon...just becuase it has disapeared into the distance dosen't mean it's gone, it simply means that is saling towards something new...there will be new experiences and places waiting for us.

    I've taken this from a poem that was read at my father in-laws funeral, i know i could probably word it better but hopefully you'll get it x.

  13. Not really. I am not too concerned about the after life, I think I have that all figured out. I am concerned about the fact I love my life and the people in it and even the day to day, I don't want it to end! I am having too much fun here!  

  14. i don't think anybody really is at ease with death, but some people can accept its going to happen better than others !

  15. Yes everything and everyone dies so there is nothing you can do

    about it but live your life and hope the end isn't painful.

  16. I am so at ease with the fact that one day I will die. The hardest thing  about it is for the ones we leave behind.  Death is one of the most natural things we do and letting go can bring alot of comfort to some people. I think it is in part of the adventurous nature i have. It is just a new adventure in lifes process.

  17. in reference to myself -  mostly.  i am afraid to die a painful death. and afraid of leaving loved ones to fend for themselves considering i don't have much leave to them right now.

    in reference to loved ones - absolutely not, and i don't think i'll ever be at ease with that.

  18. I'm at ease with the thought of dying, but not at ease with the thought of life ending. if that makes sense. basically I love life too much for it to end, hopefully that'll change when I'm 85

  19. yes. im not at ease with the thought that i may die without finding anyone who wants to be with me, or that i may die having achieved nothing in my life, but as for the actual act of dying, to quote morrissey, "deep in the cell of my heart i will feel so glad to go."

  20. to be honest i dont think about it.  if i did i would be living a boring life.  too scared to cross the road or get on a plane or eat  a burger etc.  when it happens it happens.  its part of life.  go and enjoy every moment, no regrets, go for everything

  21. Not completely, apparently since I dream about it and am a little frightened.

    In the real world, and while awake, I fear nothing, and death does not bother me personally, only if it is someone else.

    I do however have responsibilities to my family = children and both parents.  They need my guidance, not money;  would be great with my insurance policies.

  22. No. I put off the thought of death because I can't function and survive if I get comfortable with it. If I just accept the fact that I will die as inevitable, I just might as well go off somewhere and just forget about trying to survive and die. But you can survive death if you transcend your physical consciousness permanently so that you know that death and your body is an illusion and so it won't matter, which doesn't mean that you kill yourself either, because knowing that life is an illusion puts you into a gleeful game frame of mind and suicide isn't even considered because there is no point in it, your body and life is nothing anyway.

  23. Yes I'm at ease with the thought of death.

    I'm not at ease with how I'm going to die.

    Is it going to be slow, quick or painless. . . .etc etc

  24. I am fine with my own death, but i am terrified of others i know dying, and i am more scared of how i will die- like im scared of a plane crash or kidnapper thing happening to me but not neccisarly myself dying.

  25. The human spirit swatches between life and spirit form many times before our spirit is evolved enough to progress within the spirit realm.  If you are good in life, you progress in the spirit realm, if not then there is most definitely something to be afraid of.  I have nothing to fear at death, even if some of my answers are stupid.  Those who chase money & pleasure however, are screwed.

  26. I don't think anyone can truely be as its hard to be at easy with something so unknown but i do feel that people do find ways of dealing with the thought of it some turn to religion whilst others find different ways of spirtuality. Personally my faith is what makes it easier to understand death and as i have seen alot of death around me its comforted me more so rather than made me angry.  

  27. You have asked me now, now that I am for better informed about matters of life than when I was very young. Since then I has taken my thoughts a lot of religion, philosophy, understanding to reach to the conclusion that death is unavoidable, it is part of the bargain that we have as life, and that if there is any possibility of an entirely new life liveable entirely upon absolute truth and justice, in a state of absolute harmony and peace, then that life is life hereafter, life after death. Now, I am at a relative ease with the thought of death because I have explored and expanded it into a concept that in fact is of the very life I have in terms of an ideal life that I might have.

    I am at ease with the thought of death as there is no better alternative in the mind. There is no escape. Once when we assured of our destiny or fate than it is normal in us human beings that we learn to like it in time and with some effort of course. If I am told that I am stuck with something for life than seeing no hope in trying to get rid of that things I would seek way of like it instead, which I see that starts to work sooner or later. How many people, for instance, would like to have their problems replaced with the ones that others have, Aristotle once wondered.

    We are people of some restlessness in our nature. We are never content with anything. And soon as we see that something can be changed the thought of change, of exploration, of something that might be better than what we have so far, never leave our mind. But when possibilities start to dwindle, and hopes of escape begin to subside, we learn to settle in life, and the best of us make the best of the settlements in life.

    People appear to so much at ease with their lives that appear to be living forever, as though they know that they are never going to die. This forgetfulness however is only assumed by the strength of living, of life. We live and try to live to our full even though we a certain knowledge of death. Then what can I say in the end – am I at ease with thoughts of death, or am I at ease with the life I have, and my living?

  28. Yes, but actually dying would probably provide me a whole diffrent experience.

  29. No, it scares me.  Even though I believe in an afterlife, I'm just scared I may have gotten things wrong..wrong religion?  Don't know.  It's just that it happens to everyone but no one can tell you what it's like.  The thought of there being nothing after death is the scariest possibility for me.

  30. yes, either there will be nothing

    in which case I will feel nothing and have no need to worry

    or there will be something

    which would be amazing

    I'm more scared of life (and failing at it) than I am of death, which doesn't worry me

    I don't like the thought of those around me dying though

    although I know that if I follow my own logic I should be

  31. yes because the bible offers the hope of everlasting life on a paradise earth .

    its strange cause everyone thinks that we go to heaven but the bible doesn't quite say that.

    its says when we die we "fall asleep in death" waiting to be woken up at a time when "god's Kingdom" will reign the earth and not mans.

    This is the kingdom we pray for in the Lords prayer "Let thy kingdom Come"

    read 1Cor 15:12-21.

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