
Are you attracted to "ugly" dogs?

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I saw an answer that Millypeed left to a question stating that she was attracted to ugly dogs.

Now that I think about it, I am too.

I own a Pug, who I see as beautiful and completly ugly but most do not think that way.

My friend has a Chihuahua(that showed up as a stray) named Freaky that is 16 years old, has a hernia that the vet can't remove, cataracts, and ears that are so large that I could gurantee they could fill in for a radar system.

Somehow, out of her 6 dogs Freaky is the one I'm always grabbing first.

Do you find yourself doing this? Or are you more attracted to what's "cute"?




  1. Even though l have two Labs, which l think are gorgeous looking dogs, l find myself strangely attracted to ugly dogs, there's just something very appealing about them, can't really put my finger on it, but l just want to cuddle and fuss over them, the uglier the better!

    l think it could be because they tend to be all different, they seem to have their own unique little faces, full of personality and character.

    If l walked into a room full of dogs l'd be instantly attracted to the ugliest dog, although l'd then want to stroke them all!

  2. I wish some people would get a life!  Commenting on the one saying.."it's not the outside that counts"...I know what you are saying.  I love watching the "ugliest dog" contest on Animal Planet. If there was such an issue, I don't think Animal Planet would have it on there..Now, that I am done ranting...yes, ugly dogs/cats are cute.  They have their own personalities. I love a little abnormality in this trying to be "cookie cutter" life. I had a cat that had extra toes, cross eyes and was the clumsiest cat around but I loved him.  I wish you placed pictures so we can see how cute they are.

  3. LOL!

    I know what you are trying to say! I do find myself attracted to the 'ugly' dogs, though I don't own any.

    THe dogs that I have owned and fostered though, I have noticed, have all been neurotic and a bit 'special.' So I guess you could say that I'm attracted to the 'special' and 'quirky' dogs.

  4. I love them all. All colors and size

  5. Well...I wouldn't say ugly.

    There aren't really ugly dogs =]

    But I guess I am not, It all depends on personality, and how they fit me.

    I prefer large dogs, and I love mutts.

    But that's just me! Everyone is different!

    Its pretty much how we are raised!

  6. Yes I love ugly dogs!  My dog Alexis is a poodle, she is a rescue.  She is by no means a beautiful  example of her breed.  She is butt ugly.  She has really kinky hair, bat ears, she is black and silver (everybody has always thought she was old because of the silver), her front feet turn out slightly, and she has an odd shaped body(her head looks like it was made for another dog).  I couldn't love her more if I tried!

  7. I'm attracted more to color than I am looks. I'm a sucker for brindle coats. I'd grab an "ugly" brindle dog before I'd grab a pretty cream dog.

    A lot of people think the APBT is ugly, but I haven't found a more beautiful dog. Same with the Greyhound. People have said "deer that plays fetch". C'mon!

  8. i am more attracted to ugly dogs because i think they need me for them to be fix and well taken cared of...

    grooming my will benefit me and my dog...

    here's details about grooming your dog...

  9. I'm attracted to anything with fur :) I love fluffy animals!

    I go for least what's "pretty" to me. I think both my dogs are gorgeous, but some might find them ugly or apparently terrifying.

  10. I've had a couple of dog whose faces only a mother could love....they were precious to me.♥ I love all dogs.

  11. I love all dogs, no matter what they look like. They may seem 'ugly' on the outside but I think each dog is very beautiful in their own way, its what's on the inside that counts.

    Edit: I am attracted to ugly dogs more then normal one's, I admit. I guess its because they are so unique!

  12. I'm with Patient Paws. You give me a blue merle or even a black tricolor dog, and my heart just melts.

    Size and looks don't matter much--though to me, all dogs that come in those colors are absolutely gorgeous.

  13. hmm....there are some dogs that ive gone "oh my gosh, how ugly!" but then ended up falling in love with them.

    other dogs, i dont see how i will ever see them as anything but ugly. such as (and im sorry to the people that love these dogs) chinese crested, mexican hairless, or any other dog that is basically naked. im ok with dogs that have thin coats (such as the italian greyhound haha. we want to get one eventually) but for some reason, the others just disgust me.

    also, one of the ugliest mixed breed dogs i have ever seen was on tv. it was a husky mixed with a schnauzer, i think it was.

    heres her website! i mean, she was a good dog, she saved cats and stuff. she was just kinda ugly.

  14. You are obviously referring to dogs who are so "unique" (ugly) as to be cute.

    Quite possible to feel that way, but I prefer my beautiful, graceful, little weenies - dachshunds.   To my eyes, they are the most beautiful, compact little hounds possible.

    Long hair, smooth, wire hair - never saw an ugly dachshund - goes to prove beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    If anyone can think a pug is beautiful, they have a wonderful imagination and should be commended.   First time my neighbor asked us to look in on her pug when she couldn't get home, my teenage son said "Mom, somebody has a lot to answer for breeding a dog like that" - oh well.

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