
Are you attractive, do you resent it at times, does it get to you,seriously speaking?

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Are you attractive, do you resent it at times, does it get to you,seriously speaking?




  1. I don't resent being attractive - but i don't rub it in peoples faces either. I am what I am.

  2. No im very unattractive but i have serious conversations?

  3. Yes i am and No  

  4. Sometimes, yeah.

    Guys are scared to approach me because they think I will turn them down or something. People also assume I'm not smart because of my outer beauty.

  5. Yes sometimes.

    It is frustrating when people just assume by the way you look that you are dumb or alot younger than you are because of your looks.

    But in other ways it is good.

  6. I think I'm attractive, but not as much as I use to be. I use to resent being attractive because a lot of the girls I was close to would always try to compete with me or make me feel like I was their competition, and it use to get to me. Now that I'm not as skinny, and more relaxed about how I dress and stuff, I feel more attractive but with less stress. Now when girls have any issues or feel like i'm trying to outdress them etc, I just let it go and have a great time, because I definately don't see myself as anything special anymore.

  7. very strange ques. hon

  8. I don't think that I am but people say I am. And sometimes i feel that guys use me alot it sucks. But to me I am not attractive at all i like my eyes && thats about it.

  9. Yes i think i am pretty cos a lot of guys show interst in me

    and i am smart (acedic excellence awards)

    and i am very sporty (sports award for going to regional swimming)

    so i think im a good package

    and im funny

  10. i like being attractive.

    i used to be ugly. it sucked.


    i like it because i am pretty, SMART, and an amazing athlete.

    so i got the whole package  

  11. Yes I think people are too superficial sometimes. But I do appreciate it when someone tells me I'm pretty. I don't act all b*tchy.

  12. i just have an issue with people say sh@h about me !!

  13. i guess i'm attractive, a lot of guys are always flirting with me, i hate that sometimes! i hate how people are always trying to suck up to you and your "friends" will backstab you any chance they get.

    But the pro's are worth it :]

  14. people try to be chill, but im so hot they melt

  15. yes, it really does. in reality you could be the hottest person ever, but it brings me down because then people seem to like me less. ya know?

  16. Being attractive is fun.

  17. Yes I am, and no it doesnt. Why would it.

    It usually only benefits

  18. You need to know that -What. Anyway Yes and no. No. and no

  19. In your question it's like your expecting people to say no. Attractive is what others think of you and what you think of others. It is also a matter of opinion.

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