
Are you aware how thought provoking R and S is & how it has renewed my faith in other members of our species?

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Are you aware how thought provoking R and S is & how it has renewed my faith in other members of our species?




  1. Yes...I've noticed that...

    I've also noticed that there are some "very anal retentive" people in ALL the categories...

    What's with them, anyway?!?

    Lighten up, people!  I love you crazy, cute, little lovable "opinionated" people, you...

    Smoochies!   hee hee...

  2. I don't know what R & S is. Is it a secret?

  3. Yes I am, and I'm in the same boat!  Lots of really good questions and answers, and then, of course there is the good laugh every once in a while.  It's sure made a big difference in my faith, helped me understand that I wasn't alone in the way I think.  

    ;)  BB, Dear!  )O( STB

    eclectic pagan witch

  4. Yes I am very aware because I am a solitary practitioner, this site has turned me on to so many diverse views that I actually am learning more about everything.  There is hope on here and no matter whether you are having a good or bad day,I can come here and be serious or just a get good laugh.  So I'd like to give a Shout Out to all of you to say thank you.

  5. Glad we made your day.

  6. I know, it's horrible. I'm trying to get people to not think... but it's just not working.

  7. Often times it does the exact opposite.

  8. If thought is not provoked,average man goes into a stuparose


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