
Are you aware of the Neo Con agenda to control the world?

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The plan is told here

The author, David Icke - outlines it in detail in this video, Big Brother, the Big Picture




  1. This is funny! Mostly it has been the Democrats that try to scare everyone saying that it is the Republicans that want to take your money and they want to give it to everyone that does not work because it is more fair.


  2. I didn't have to watch Earth in the Balance or whatever that stupid propaganda Al Gore cr** rant was to know it's full of out of context, deliberately misleading untruths - same for any and all Michael Moore movies, and same for even that cute Super Size Me guy....hamburgers and french fries make you fat, duh!

    They serve salad at McD's friend....

    Deliberately divisive, alarmist hype is the new "news" - no body bothers with facts or critical analysis, just "oh my gosh, we're all gonna die if you don't see things my way" fruit basket logic.

    I am by your random definition a "neo-con" - .....I don't need to watch a movie to know that bad things happen in the world, and guess what, I don't want  to control it, I just want the bad actors to cut it out.  I love Jesus, I love my neighbor who doesn't love Jesus, I want to raise my kids to enjoy life for the blessing it is and share our blessings with others.  I don't go to secret underground government meetings, nor do I think George Bush is perfect.  He certainly isn't, but he's not the devil, either.

    But come's bad enough people make careers out of scaring other people out of logical thinking, why waste time encouraging people to waste their precious time working themselves into a tizzy over contrived, imagined threats? The real ones loom close enough.    

  3. Is that why Obama was campaigning in Germany?

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