
Are you aware of the scams T.B. Pickens is setting up in Texas?

by Guest66903  |  earlier

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He managed toe get the State of Texas to change key laws such that he has formed a water district out of his employees, giving him the ability to condemn private property through eminent domain. They also changed the laws governing the safety of placing high voltage transmission lines together with water conduits. He is planning to sell electricity from a planned wind generation farm and ground water to the cities of Texas, building his facilities on property stolen from private owners.

He has started a publicity campaign with nation-wide TV ads which utilize fabricated statistics contrary to oil industry and government sources. Ar you aware of the latest T.Boone Pickens crimes?




  1. No, but he is not alone; all those corporate raiders lie cheat and steal, that is their profession and no one can do anything about it because they are so rich; at that level of wealth you can literally get away with murder.

  2. There was an account of his schemes in Business Week about a month ago. The politicians in Texas that he bribed say it is just a coincidence that they changed the laws so he could carry out his project, which he had already started.

    The man could use a good caning followed by some jail time. But he will probably get away with it. He always has known where to leave money laying around when he wants things to go his way, good or evil.

  3. let's suppose he does make a few more millions by generating electricity with wind.

    isn't that what all of greendom wants?

    maybe it'll stimulate more investment and get rid of some of these ridiculous environmental laws so the pursiut of alternate energy can get off the dime.

  4. According to his commercials, this is just the start of an ad campaign. He seems to be setting his sights, with government help, on a monopoly of alternative energy sources along with the destruction of industrial safety regulations.

  5. I'm up here in Canada but from what you're relating here the guy sounds like a huckster. That's not good for the common man.

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