
Are you aware of your energy consumption patterns? (for United Arab Emirates nationals only)?

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This is for our class project. Please answer the following questions.

1. Which of the following major home appliances consume the most energy? (Choose one)

□ Light

□ Air conditioner

□ Computer/laptop

□ Television

□ Refrigerator

□ Washing machine

□ Other. Please specify _______________

2. Which of the following minor home appliances consume the most energy? (Check one)

□ Mobile charger

□ Radio

□ Hair blow dryer / flat iron

□ Iron for clothes

□ Kitchen appliance (like rice cooker, microwave, etc.)

□ Other. Please specify: _________________

3. In a day, how many hours… your television open? (Choose one)

□ 0-5 hours

□ 6-8 hours

□ 9-12 hours

□ 13-24 hours

…is your air conditioner open?

(Choose one)

□ 0-12 hours

□ 13-24 hours

…is your computer open? (Choose one)

□ 0-2 hours

□ 3-6 hours

□ 7-12 hours

□ 13-24 hours

…are your lights open? (Choose one)

□ 0-7 hours

□ 8-12 hours

□ 13-18 hours

□ 19-24 hours




  1. OK . I checked off all the boxes.

    #10. Yes and

    because its good to use as much energy as you can.

    Good luck.

  2. 1. AC appliance

    3.  television 0-5 hours

    AC 0-12 hours

    computer 7-12 hours

    lights 13-18 hours

    4. switch off

    5. sometimes

    6. sometimes

    7. yes

    8. yes

    9. yes

    10 yes.  I try and conserve enrgy as much as I can.

    I'm not from the UAE but then again neither is the other poster and I thought you deservd a more.... complete response shall we say.

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