
Are you aware that the Congress wants to take away our choices concerning food supplements?

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Check the links for additonal info if you feel this might affect your and your family's and friends health.

July 20, 2007

Health Freedom Threat



Freedom Mouse Warriors to the Ready:

New FDA Guidance Violates US Constitution,

Prevents Truthful Health Claims


1. The FDA has issued yet another dangerous, health-hostile Guidance with an absurdly short public comment period. Click here (

campaign_KEY=12189) to tell the FDA that you value your right to truthful health claims and demand that the FDA adopt the health-friendly approach defined in the Health Freedom Protection Act, HR 2117.

2. Click here (

campaign_KEY=11754) to educate your Congressional representatives to protect your health freedom by becoming a co-sponsor of HR 2117 in the House




  1. they don't want to take away anyones choices...the industry you speak of is unregulated and often advertises falsely

  2. Why do you seem surprised...congress wants to take away all of our choices!

  3. my country and I, cannot apply answers to your question.HOW EVER, much more than food and drugs suppliments, the most we must be aware of is : FOOD supply

    control destributions world wide,when the number 666 takes

    place to hold the ruling power of everyone and FALLOWs ORDER OF THE MARKED MAN CALLED. ??????

  4. Good to demand.


  5. it is the pharmaceuticals - the government is on the take - they could go in any direction that pays them and guarantees bribes.

    the best defense is to get off drugs that drain our body of nutrients and foods that offer no nutrients.

    we need to start healing thru good food and lack of poison from the pharmaceutical drug pushers.

    trying to check mate this government at every turn is a drag - it just needs to be replaced.

  6. No.

    p.s. you use too many words. People zone out.

  7. What is your position on the Vioxx suits?

  8. I applaud your efforts.  You are always aggressively aware of  our environment and gov't impact.  Thank you for getting out this important info!  I am responding to your links.

  9. Agree with @eric i:  You use too many words. KISS..

    For my part I wish (will never happen) that any and all supplements and additives be clearly declared on the label.

    Also wish for brand names, without "x" and "z" in it (Vioxx), as if indicating: This is serious "medical" and "scientific" stuff -- you (the buyer) are just too stupid to understand the product's background anyway..

    That is the legislation I hope for: Tell me what's in it, tell me what you have done with it.  -- I do not care if the Surgeon General has determined, it is "good" for me. I simply do not want ANY preservatives, supplements, electron irradiation etc. EVER, unless they appear on the label.

  10. Without reading all the details you offer, I believe you are correct.  The drug companies will benefit greatly with more and more restrictions placed on "health friendly" products.  

    I love to go to the "Health Food" stores.  There is so much to learn.

    I Cr 13;8a

  11. These rules are long overdue.  Too many supplements are being marketed without having had any safety testing and making wild claims without any scientific basis.

    Go and look at the health claims for the herb Lobelia - then go read the scientific research regarding it real effects on the human body and you will se why we need consumer-protection laws in the supplement industry.

  12. If you eat healthy natural vegetarian food and practise Yoga who needs supplements?

  13. Food supplements comprise some of the biggest scams going, they need some oversight.  They claim everything on earth and deliver next to nothing.

  14. I am aware that th FDA is trying to control the use of food supplements, and their proposed regulations are very restrictive and unwise.  FDA officials have told me that if it weren't grandfathered in and on the GRAS list Calcium would be considered a drug because it can cure rickets.  It is well to be aware of the effects of food supplements, but we do not need to have FDA control  It should be up to the individual.  I will advise my friends of the problems you have mentioned.

    I have already been discussing it with them and have contacted my elected representatives

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