
Are you aware that the Senate is going to vote to take away your right to privacy tomorrow?

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The FISA bill will also give immunity to Corporations that have broken the law and violated our rights.




  1. And the moon is made of green cheese!!!!!

  2. Yes, it is really sad.  I think it is just a matter of time before they start telling us what we can and cannot think.  Whatever happened to UNALIENABLE rights?

  3. Obama supports this FISA so-called Compromise, along with numerous other Appeaseacrats.  The Democrats are going down to defeat in November if they don't stop their GOP-Appeasement and fast.  If the American people have to choose between the real GOP and a Democratic Party that doesn't have the guts to stand up to the GOP, they will choose the GOP any day.  Haven't the Democrats learned from 2000, 2002, and 2004?  In 2006, they claimed that they would stand up to King George and won.  But, since they have betrayed the trust of those who voted for them, they will likely be looking at a McNightmare on November 4th.

  4. WHAT!? are you fricken kidding me that is bull**** that makes me verry angry

  5. Yes, I'm familiar with FISA.  Everyone should know about this.  It is very serious business.  The government will and has been reading our e-mails, tracking every click of the mouse, and knows where we've been on the Internet.  Not to mention the fact that they listen to our conversations.  

    Thank you Bush for destroying yet another page of our Constitution.

  6. I have almost totally given up on the US government, especially the Senate and Presidency and often the Judiciary (which are all but lost causes) to act in the best interests of the American people.  It doesn't matter who is elected, Democrat or Republican, they both answer to AIPAC and the CFR trilateral's who's goals are keeping the United States under the thumb of the Zionist world banking cartels.  Unfortunately it seems the road out of this mess is looking less and less likely that it is going to be an easy or possibly even peaceful one.  We will be pushed into the control grid of the NAU very shortly and then we can basically kiss all of our freedoms except those that are superficial goodbye, unless people have the guts to stand up to them.

    mbadgjl, I like your answer. I think that is part of the problem. The government chooses to ignore the UNALIENABLE rights, and are more than happy to play a semantics game where they can allow people to willfully sell off their INALIENABLE rights and claim they are acting in the best interest of the people, when they clearly are not.  It is a shift we have seen in our government that really started during the middle of 19th century towards more big government and less states rights which translated to wrest more control away from the local levels and consequently people were less free and  less understanding of their rights spelled out by the founding fathers. By doing so they were able to manipulate the fact that most state constitutions recognize only inalienable rights. The fed can then gleefully manipulate the states and their citizens to simply surrender those rights away to the all power federal government, or in many instances simply striking them down via black robed tyrants who don't asnwer to the people. Once a government becomes corrupt and overreaches its authority, it can never be expected to voluntarily decrease on its own volition, which is exactly why the founders provided us with the 2nd ammendment.  But even in that case, the loophole that was found and abused ,was the issue of states and INALIENABLE rights as opposed to UNALIENABLE rights. While the Supreme court recently ruled in favor of the second Ammendment, a ruling that seems to have cemented the original intent of protection from tyrannny for the people, all it really did was to slyly shift that UNALIENABLE right framed by the constitution in the Bill of Rights, to the realm of the already corrupted INALIENABLE rights protected by the states, which can be easily altered and given away, while allowing for states to set further regulations at their own disgression. When the North American Union comes, the constitution will be as George Bush put it "nothing more than a G.D. piece of paper" and then those INALIENABLE rights will mean NOTHING!  Nothing is ever what it seems with the federal government. They truly carry and olive branch in one hand, and a sword in the other.

  7. What exactly could cause loss of privacy?

  8. that is so-oooo bad and i wasn't aware of it oh gosh ,thank you so much ,and what do YOU think of it?

  9. You should hang out with my Dad. He sent letters out in 1999 to worn everyone that the government was going to take over and the strike of midnight on new years eve

  10. Well they took away my vote, so why not my privacy?  Can't wait to see what they take away next.

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