
Are you aware there are as many Muslims in the UK now as the whole population of the now UK in 1066?

by  |  earlier

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UK Muslim population now about 2 million.

"UK" * total population in 1066 about 2 million

* Now called the UK




  1. yes there is too much so called diversity

    when we have shools full of children in this country who are raised not to speak english, raised by shakira or what ever it is laws.

    we need to stand firm and insit english is spoken and  our laws obeyed by everyone.

    there is forced marriage punishment killings which are almost always young women,female circumcision etc etc etc

    dpnt tell me its not true as my sister in law is a nurse and works in an inner city casulty and she has seen a massive increase in thiese things.

    our laws are there for a reason, if people want to live here they must speak our language and live our laws

    and if its not liked then leave

  2. No I wasn't aware of it. But I am now.

  3. SHOCK HORROR what did the police say ?

  4. scarey aint it

  5. Wow, thanks for that.

    Have you got an answer, because I haven't.

  6. its nice , i wish to be muslim

    i love this religion :)

    i wish my dream come true

  7. just shows we need to get shut

  8. And that's what? 3%

    So your point is?

  9. No - but I'll take your word for it.  Diversity is good isn't it?

  10. your question needs to be objective, why dont you be aware of other NATIONS live in UK?

    sorry, you mean to get offensive answers, not the question itself!

    oh, seems one of my answer haters knows something about Muslims' tolerance, and he's so sensitive that he could feel the anger in my answer!

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