
Are you aware what Genetically Modified Foods are and how they are made?

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Please take a few minutes to watch the links below and please answer your view on this massive issue.

Thank you.

"Future of Foods" The Monsanto take over:

Reporters Blow Whistle on FOX News: Monsanto and our milk:

Monsanto Patent for a Pig,Patent for life:

World According to Monsanto: End of life:




  1. amazing how the media can make anything look bad.....and genetically modified foods have been in our diets for over 50 years (any tomato or corn product you eat, not to mention virtually all livestock).    I have farmed and raised livestock for over 25 years    scaring the uneducated public is what journalism has become.

  2. GM foods are a product of any type of diet. it's silly to not eat it. now that they have allowed for cloned animals to be consumed are you going to jump on that too???? GM happens daily. mendel did it. selective breeding traits in and out is a form of GM, take a bit longer to see results, but the same idea. why not?  today anything can give you cancer.... wanna know why?? this is coming from a science major who researches this's cuz scientists dk what causes cancer other than a malfunction in mitosis. research can "prove" (nothing is ever proven in science, jsut supported or rejected) a correlation if the numbers are high enough. that is just a statistically significant number. so say 70% is a correlation number. well in the grand scheme of things, 70% is not a huge majority. plus research can be overturned at any time. look at the scientists who are going to test to see if the big bang theory was right later this year. i think that GM foods will make more food available, and to better nurish ourselves.

  3. Yep, I know and I sleep well after every meal I eat.  I farm, I raise livestock and I AM consious of the environment.  In fact, conserving our soil and water and preventing water pollution is my job.  

    Problems with GM plants????  Where?  I sure haven't seen any.  I remember the big media speil when Bt field corn first came out and how it was going to decimate the Monarch butterfly population after the caterpillars ate Bt tainted pollen.  Well despite all the studies and doomsayers, it never happened.  Incidently, the Bt (bacillus theringus) is a naturally occuring soil bacteria who's dna was grafted onto corn dna.  

    Speaking of that, all corn is genetically modified and has been for centuries.  Yes, centuries.  The corn plant every one recognizes has never occured naturally in nature and it was only through selective breeding by humans that it even exists at all.  If all people die, so will corn shortly afterwards.  

    The nice round, red tomatoes you purchase at the store are nearly all GM.  If they weren't you'd have something that was hard as a rock and have very little taste.  

    As far as using hormones to increase milk production, I sure don't like that any more than the next person.  But if you don't like the idea, you have the option of purchasing organic milk without it.  And I've yet to see any children born looking like a space alien because of hormone milk.  If it was dangerous, the FDA would have banned its use long ago.  

    My advice is to purchase only those foods you feel comfortable with eating.  In most cases that will be organically grown and will be more expensive.  Better yet, purchase fresh foods at farmer's markets.  You'll be doing both yourself and the farmer a favor.

  4. yes i know wat gene- mod plants are . they are made by altering the genes  structure and functions  of normal plants . they fist take out the gene modify it and then put it back into the plant which then changes thte plant comletetly

  5. Thanks for all the links to info. It is scary stuff. I became concerned as I try to drink soymilk to avoid the problems with cow's milk (esp Monsanto's bovine growth hormone that may be linked to cancer). Now I have to worry if GMO soybeans are in my soymilk and if that can lead to cancer. But then they are putting this Round Up Ready GMO technology into a lot of other grains or beans possibly also.

    Here are some links...the link that first set me onto this is the last one where Monsanto is browbeating farmers, barging onto their farms and accusing them of saving GMO soybean seed from their crops to replant the next year instead of buying it from Monsanto. They have been going onto properties without any ag agents or law enforcement and threaten to sue /bankrupt the farmers. They seem to be wanting to OWN any plants or animal foods. Some laws have been passed to stop them from barging onto farmer's property without ag agents, but still seed can cross polinate, etc.

    When they put fish genes in a plant product or vice versa or say peanut genes into something else, then people who are allergic may never know WHAT they are really eating that is making them allergic. It could create life threatening situations.

    But worst of all is one company OWNING all our foods and patenting stuff that is right in the U.S. seed/ gene library as already created in nature. And that all this is being done in SECRET. We are eating GMO based foods without any labeling or studies done and this company has infiltrated the govt. agencies that are supposed to protect us.

    Suicides of India’s farmers using Monsanto products

    Bad Seed: The truth about our food

    Non-testing of GMO foods for allergens and the FDA and Monsanto’s take-over of the govt. and influence of the European Union (EU)

    David and Goliath: Monsanto’s legal battles against Farmers*t...

    Crazy the people here who say they are farmers and have known about this for years, but say that the govt. will protect us from any hazards. That is just crazy. The govt. is controlled by money from large corporations. They haven't protected us from a lot of stuff in the past, and they aren't protecting us now.  Cancer can take years to develop.  Allergic reactions to foods are more quick to happen, but if it doesn't affect the farmer, then they may not connect the dots and neither will the person suffering the allergy, knowing nothing about GMO in their foods.

  6. Where to start. First, Monsanto doesn't own all the patents for GMO's.

    Sunflower:  Glyphosate is probably the safest herbicide ever made. Once it encounters any clay particles it is rendered useless. There is no evidence that it causes cancer. Bacillus Thuringenis (Bt) is found in the soil naturally. Organic farmers have sprayed it on their "Organic crops" for years to control corn borers. I'll bet you didn't know that there were earlier "herbicide resistant" crops prior to Roundup Ready. IR and IT corn were made by cross breeding and continually applying higher amounts of Pursuit (another herbicide) untill the plants were resistant to or tolerant to the herbicide. This took years but achieved the same result as genetically modifying the plant. (Monsanto didn't do this BTW) Another was resistant to the herbicide Poast. It was achieved the same way, taking years to bring it to commercial production. Something else you probably don't know, not every seed in a bag of RR corn is tolerant to glyphosate. Bt corn has been on the market for at least 10 years, how many adverse reactions have been reported. RR soybeans have been on the market for the same amount of time, how many adverse reaction have there been?

  7. Sowhtf,

    I am well aware of GMO's. I know exactly what it takes to manufacture GMO seed and what it takes to grow GMO commodities. I have sat through hours and hours of college curriculum on the topic.

    I noticed alot of false information in many of the videos. I could sit here for hours explaining the mistakes.

    Humans were put on this earth by a Glorious and Wonderful God to prosper and to use the tools we have to keep mankind alive and well.

    It is our duty as a nation and as a race to consistently produce a quality product to feed the nations. That is why God gave us two hands and a brain.

    I suggest you take the brain that God graced you with to educate yourself properly on the subject in hand.

    GMO's cannot modify or alter our state of being in any way different that a natural non-GMO product would.

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