
Are you barefoot right now?If so ,how long? And are they bottom of your feet clean or dirty?

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Are you barefoot right now?If so ,how long? And are they bottom of your feet clean or dirty?




  1. at the office.but not even at the beach i am sockless.

  2. yes, all day, and clean!

  3. I'm always barefoot, have been for eleven years. My feet are dirty right now, but who cares, they're washable. They'll be clean after my shower :)

    Chuckie, again, where do you live? A US state? Then I know for sure it is not true; we have many barefooters all across the US on a mailing list I am on, and they've verified the legality of going barefoot in every US state. There aren't even any laws against going into stores and restaurants barefoot (see source); there certainly aren't any laws against just walking barefoot outside on the public sidewalk! If you are talking about a state in another country, you may want to verify this with your local government, and please provide a source. While we haven't been able to verify every single country, state, county and city in the entire world, barefooters have checked up on many such statements, and always found them to be myths. (PS: I have a hard time believing you live anywhere where you couldn't be barefoot even in your own yard without a privacy fence, unless you are in some very strict country maybe like North Korea or whatever? You're making these claims without any source and without ever telling us where you are located, I'm seriously suspecting you're a troll).

  4. Yes. I'm barefoot whenever I'm in the house. I live in Hawaii yo. It is and always has been against the rules to wear shoes in the house. My dad would kill me if he caught me walking around in shoes (I'm allowed to stash them in my room though). And my feet are dirty because I was walking outside in the dirt without slippers or shoes, which I tend to do quite a bit.

  5. Yes, I am barefoot and I've just woken up.

    And no, the bottom of my feet are not dirty.

  6. NO i have thongs on and my feet are dirty lol

  7. I have been barefoot for 2 hours now and my feet are clean

  8. Yes I am barefooted for a couple of hours now and they are clean as I am not allowed to go outdoors barefooted, it is illegal to be seen in public barefooted where I live, only time outdoors is if you have a well fenced back yard which I don't.  

  9. yes I am barefoot I have benn barefoot since I got home 35 minutes ago and my feet are clean

  10. clean..

  11. yes and they are squeaky clean!

  12. I'm barefoot right now, since about 5 pm when I got home from work.  If it's a weekend, then I would be barefoot since getting home Friday evening.

    The soles are a little dirty, as I went out to gas up my car, pick up a few groceries, & go to the tanning place.

  13. Yes,i'm always barefoot when i'm in the house.the bottom of my feet are clean though.=D

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