
Are you beginning to feel lonesome for supporting obama?

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seems like the bubble shows signs of bursting. maybe people are waking up to the prospect of having a guy that is schooled in the muslim faith. wake up folks, this man is pure poison.




  1. No, quite the opposite.

  2. Shut up.

  3. No, because I don't support the scumbag liar.

  4. He is not a Muslim.  

  5. "schooled in the muslim faith," I'm not really sure what kind of factual backing you have for this, but if you mean that he is actually informed on the ins and outs of one of the top 4 world religions, then good for him. It would be refreshing to have someone other than a frat boy (i.e. someone who actually went to class) in the White House. In fact it might actually bring some credibility and respect back into that building.

    So no, I'm not feeling lonesome, I'm feeling a renewed sense of pride that our country might elect someone president who is actually worthy of the title.

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