
Are you better knowing everything about something, or something about everything?

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Are you better knowing everything about something, or something about everything?




  1. you should know a little about everything..and a lot about a few things as well

  2. Depends on your profession and personal interests.

  3. Yes

  4. something about everything. otherwise you wouldn't be able to function.

  5. That's like it better to have a lot of okay friends are just a few really good friends.

    While each one has it's own perks like if you have a lot of okay friends then you might be considered popular and always have something to do on friday night, but if you have a group of really good friends you know you have people who will always be there for you and stick up for you when things are a family you could say.

    It really depends what type you are looking for in life. It really depends on the person.

  6. The latter because the former is a bit of a bore and is frequently obsessed.

  7. I dun care know or not. lol..

  8. It depends... as manager, you better know something about everyting. As specialist, you better know everything about something.

    Personally, I would like to know everything about everything. :-)

  9. Something about everything.

  10. something about everything. because i get too bored easily always on the same subject.

  11. Something about everything. I try.

  12. A little about a Lot.

  13. A lot about a few things.

  14. neither, you should meet halfway between the two, know a lot about some things, and less about others.

  15. i would say   know alot about a liitle and a little about alot, then you can understand life a little better

  16. I think something about everything. This could save your life someday!

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