
Are you better off than you were 7 1/2 years ago?

by  |  earlier

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The republicans are, big business is!

Don't you feel that good feeling of being trickled on?

I don't understand any of the middle class ever voting for a republican.




  1. NO, I am NOT better off...and I'd rather pour gasoline over myself and light myself on fire than to vote Republican

  2. Yes, much better off, thanks for asking.

  3. Yes

    I am middle class and I care about homeland security before anything else that is why I will vote republican.  

  4. In no way shape or form, not financially or security wise. under the GOP my income dropped more then 2/3's. If people would just look at history the catalysts for some of the hardest economic times are started under Republican Presidents and then fixed under a Democratic Presidents. As far as home security how are we better off the first Twin Towers attack was only a little more then a month after Clinton was in office the second attack came after G Bush Jr. was in office 7 months later. People point out that we have not had another attack on US soil since 9-11  well that is not a big claim when after the first attack there was not another on US soil under Clinton.

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