
Are you better off than you were 8 years ago?

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EMPLOYMENT IS DOWN: Since Bush took office, 1.4 million more people are unemployed. [Joint Economic Committee]

MANUFACTURING JOBS HAVE DECREASED: 3.4 million manufacturing jobs have been lost under Bush. [Joint Economic Committee]

INCOME IS DOWN: Median household income is down almost $1,000 since Bush took office. [Joint Economic Committee]

NUMBER WITHOUT HEALTH INSURANCE HAS INCREASED:Since 2000, the number of Americans without health insurance has increased by 8.6 million. [Joint Economic Committee]

GAS PRICES HAVE MORE THAN DOUBLED:The price of gas is now $3.29; up from $1.46 when Bush took office (up 125%). [Energy Information Administration]

COLLEGE COSTS HAVE INCREASED:Adjusting for inflation, tuition for four-year public colleges has increased 36.3% between the 1999-2000 and 2005-2006 school years. [Joint Economic Committee]

FORECLOSURE RATES HAVE HIT A RECORD HIGH: The rate of foreclosures in 2007 doubled the 2006 rate; the total number of foreclosures rose 75% to 2,203,295. [Reuters, 1/29/08]

FOOD STAMPS WILL HIT A RECORD HIGH: 28 million Americans will receive food stamps this year, the highest number since the aid program began. [New York Times, 3/31/08]

a vote for McCain will keep us on the wrong track.




  1. Yes I am better off than I was 8 years ago.

    More importantly - let's look at what's happened since the democrats took over in 2006. Since Pelosi promised a common sense plan to lower gas prices if they were elected - gas is up almost $2/gallon. And didn't Pelosi promise millions of new jobs if Dems were elected?  Unemployment up almost 1% since Dems took over. We are much better off than we would have been if we didn't have Bush to veto some of the bonehead bills they tried to pass. Why would we elect Obama, who has done nothing but whatever the Dems have told him to do, to help push through the failed democratic agenda?  

  2. i completly agree

    Obama/Biden 08!!

  3. im doing so bad right now i have never been this broke in my life if another republican comes in office  i shutter to think what would happen to me and my daughter they dont care about people like me becasue i am unable to work so apparantly im no good to anyone i mean all politicians lie but i believe that barack will actually does what he says or at least i hope so

  4. I was doing great or OK until 2006-when the democrats took over the house and senate ,gas doubled and we're still in the war .final commercials of Nancy Pelosi in her of her whole group of democrats said they'd get us cheaper gas and get us out war .she will wait until it gets to $5.00 and when he goes back to $3.00 to see what we did for you .one thing the democrats have done lately gone on vacation on time and of course give himself or raise on time .democrats like big government ,just remember every person that goes on welfare is a government employee does not have to work lives off your taxes until you die .

  5. nope

  6. Yes, but it was from an inheritance.  Before that, we were about the same, definitely not going up.

  7. To answer your question: Yes, I am much better off today than I was 8 years ago. Thanks for reminding me.

  8. Sorry you haven't done so well, yes I'm much better off.

  9. Most people around me are not.  How sad.


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