
Are you better or worse off today than when George Bush was elected for his 1st term?

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What's better or worse? When I ask myself if I am better or worse off than when George Bush became president the answer is a resounding WORSE. Bill Clinton had our country on the right track. George Bush has destroyed what he accomplished.

The worst thing I believe a president has done is to be falsely elected and deny Americans the president they elected--Al Gore.




  1. Personally, much, much better.  

    Most everyone I know is better off too.

    My salary is 5 times what it was, my house is (still) worth 10 times what my house then was worth, my family is happy..

  2. I'm a lot better off than before he became president.  It would be even better if 911 hadn't happened but I guess you blame him for that too.

  3. Much, much better.

    It's a shame you can't do anything positive with your life without government help.

  4.   Much worse just ask the 7000 foreclosures everyday.

  5. Much, much worse. Despite earning an MBA since then. The econmy is in full on stagflation. No growth and rising inflation. I work in Healthcare in a state where 40% of people do not have health insurance up from 28%.

    Not only is this true, but trickle down economics has been totally debunked.

    Jobs created under Bush 5 million

    Jobs created under Clinton 28 million.

    Percent of wealth controlled by top 10% of population under Clinton 38%

    Percent of wealth controlled by top 10% of population under Bush 50%

    In fact, tax cuts on the rich have proven to be a disincentive to innovation and growth. What happens when wealthy have more money because they do not pay taxes is that they do not feel a need create businesses and jobs. They keep the money.

    The economy growth under Bush was the best that money could buy. All borrowed money loaned from overseas that we now know will never be repaid. The world is onto us now. We will actually have to earn our next 8 years of income.

  6. Maybe if this Goverment stopped giving tax breaks to companies who move jobs out of america everyone would be better off like the first idiot responder.

    "Hey Shaddup Libs, glad to know you condone the deaths of our boys and girls overseas and all the emotional anguish it has inflicted on their families."

    I'm No LIB or CONSERVATIVE but wow you are a  idiot peice of trash, maybe if our country hadn't been lied to about going to war with a country that had nothing to do with attacking us and had no WMD's our boys would still be living.

    You are a peice of ******* **** for even bringing soliders and familys into some dumb election fight and i hope you rot in h**l.

  7. The worst I have been in  42 years of marriage.  I have never seen the economy as bad.   I have never seen so much money lost in real estate and  I have never seen such debt for our nation.  

  8. worse,

    and the country is worse

    we have lost the WTC, part of the pentagon 4 airliners

    We have used up the military

    We have borrowed another 5 Trillion dollars

    and the theme of the GOP convention is : its the liberals fault


  9. I was better off until 2007 when gas prices started to rise bc of the democratic congress!

    republican congress 2006-gas $2

    democratic congress now- enough said

    and Obama voted against the holiday free tax for gas

  10. I am better off, but I do not like bush, but I am repub. and voting for McCain!! Al gore is a joke, you must be a youngster!! do you not remember all the awful things he and clinton have done!! do more research!!

  11. Much, much worse. America has fallen into a state of disrepair, and the only people who would disagree have their heads buried... well, you know.

    Hey Shaddup Libs, glad to know you condone the deaths of our boys and girls overseas and all the emotional anguish it has inflicted on their families. >=(

  12. Better, but he hasn't helped me get there. I've progressed mentally and I've moved on more in my life with other things. But he hasn't made it easy.  

  13. I actually have to admit that I'm better. But I'm not going to give George Bush any credit for it.


    Let's see...

    Gas prices when Bush came into power: $1.67/gal

    Today - $4.83

    Inflation - highest in US history

    Food and home prices - through the roof

    Deficit - all time US high, whereas it was a surplus when he took over

    enough said, makes my blood boil. Oh, and not to mention the illegal captivity and torture of innocents in Guantanamo, not to mention 9/11...list goes on.

    Record foreclosure, senseless war with our poor soldiers getting killed for the financial benefit of Haliburton... Unemployment all time high, jobs outsourced to other countries, retirement plans wiped out, benefits wiped out, tax cut for those who make over 250,000/year, record spending...

  15. I am doing allot better than I was in 2000 but it has nothing to do with anyone in government, from 2000-2005 I was working 2, sometimes 3 jobs, I saved a bunch of money, bought a house, built up equity, sold the house, bought a bigger house, saved more money, started a business, got married, had the best year starting this past February when my daughter was born.  I am living the American dream!!  

    I'm not knocking down millions, but I have everything I want.

    So yeah I guess to answer your question I am doing better but I will not give the credit to Bush, Gore, Clinton, Mccain, or any of those guys I will pat myself on the back for that.

  16. I am much better off -- I have put my two kids through college, have a better job, and will be planning my retirement in about 5 years. I am not a democrat victim.

  17. Better of course.I went back to school and learned a new trade.

    Now I am making 3 times what i used to make.

  18. Reagan/Bush sr. handed Clinton a good economy. Clinton handed Bush Jr. a bad economy.

  19. i got the one i elected...hate to break it to you..but i thinnk we would be even worse off with gore...the congress right now isnt lily white right now you realize this...part of our problems are stemming from them  

  20. this country will never recover what he has done. so I am worse off. do you notice the rich people like him, and their children are not off at war.?

  21. If you aren't the CEO of big oil, big insurance, or big pharm, then you are worse off.  It's that simple.

  22. Well, I was only 18 and going into college then, so I can't really compare it to now.

    As for the nation though, I would have to say much worse.

  23. I am better off because I EARNED it.  George Bush had nothing to do with it, just like Bill Clinton had nothing to do with any person's  prosperity.  Why do people think the President runs the economy?  Are they really that uninformed and misguided?.  It is almost comical, if it were not so sad.

    The economy runs itself and government just needs to get out of the way (unless it wants to lower taxes).

  24. A lot worse off .I use to think of myself as middle class -but according to McCain I was never middle class -never made 3 million a year -didn't really care to either .

    Any one who says they are not , must not mind paying a lot for every thing -especially gas and all related to it.

    I loved having money in my pocket and in the bank- both saving and accounts when Clinton was president . People had money to spend -my business was great . As great as I wanted it to be. I lived a good well balanced life . Worked sometimes 14 hours a day in my business -yet the rewards were great . Had fun too -visited places . Now that has  all gone. My husband died when Bush was elected the first time -bad for me all the way around. Bad for a lot of people these past 8 years..

  25. Better. Have an excellent paying job. A well established 401k plan and a Health Savings account.

    I can't complain one bit.  

  26. Between investments that have shrunken and the worst inflation in 30 years, I would say that most are worse off.

  27. I'm a h**l of a lot better off than I was 8 years ago, but that's because I spent the eight years working to improve my career skills and my value as a citizen rather than waiting for some politician to help me out.

    Just by thinking this way, you are setting yourself up for a life of disappointment and failure.

    Please don't expect the president to do anything that will make you "better off". Do it yourself and be grateful you live in a country where you have the freedom to do so.

  28. Equal, actually.  I've had some tough times, but that's more a reflection of my state than the Federal Government.

  29. I'm better off, but I did better in the last 2 years of Clinton than I have under 8 of Bush.

    The facts stand alone.   The average worker makes $2000 less every year than they did when Bush started (note that this is BEFORE cost of living increases and inflation).   Where did that money go?  It's still being earned, but only by the top 1% of wealth holders.  

    So, they measure gains, when the vast majority clearly suffer.   Trickle down is bullshit, it's a plutocratic redistribution under Republican leadership.

  30. Of course I am worse off now, what do you think I am an oil company...

  31. Bush is not working for the United States he is working for the Carlyle Group  He and his father are traitors.  We would have been better served if Gore had been given the Presidency that he won and if the state of Florida had not intervened.

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