
Are you bored with the Rugby World Cup?

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It seems to have been going on for months.




  1. It's only just started getting exciting.  I think you will fine most World Cup go on for about two months ie. Soccor, Basketball, Netball.


  2. No.

    I'm bored by seeing far too many overpaid, spoilt brat footballers on the tv though.

  3. Not bored in the slightest.  Tired from all of the late nights and early mornings watching the games - but it's all for the love of this fantastic sport.  I can't say that I've missed a single game yet and I'm still enjoying it.  As of next week - the only way is up!!!!!!

    Now if only I had arranged my annual leave around the tournament - all would be well with the world.

  4. If watch the Southern Hemesphere teams ,you wont get bored , It`s only the kick and clap c**p from the Northern teams that is boring .

    At times it`s like watching two totally different sports.

  5. Not at all!  I'm not a great rugby fan but the last couple of games I have seen have been very exciting!!

  6. YES! So bored of it. Takes over the household...hence I am stuck on here waiting for this game to be over!!!

  7. No, I am not bored. Like many others I have stayed up watching games televised in the wee hours of the morning. This year I am glad I have been able to see teams I have not seen before: Portugal, Namibia, Georgia, Tonga, Fiji, and Canada.

    I live in the only part of the world where baseball and basketball games are shown on three different TV channels daily. What a blessed relief it is to see Rugby!!

    Go Springboks!

  8. No way! I love rugby, best game in the world, it's nice that it's on tv, it never used to have very good coverage, although the adverts on ITV are starting to really annoy me.

    It's good fun to play, good fun to watch, better than football by miles.

    If you don't like it, don't watch it!

  9. No ... as a rugby babe i am loving it and i am pleased andy farrell seems to be getting it together .....

    We need more rugby on the television far more entertaining than footie

  10. Not at all. I've sat up all hours watching as many matches as possible and have enjoyed some of the lesser known teams efforts. It is a bit drawn out to watch your nations matches, true, but there have been others to entertain.

  11. "going on for months" Yes, that would rock!

  12. No way. Wish it went all year....

  13. Obviously not a rugby fan.

  14. No

  15. No not really.  But the fact that some games are so spread out make it less interesting especially for me I have to wait like almost a week before the next rugby game and that spoils the fun.  They should have made it so they play after like every 3 or 4 day at max.  Go BOKKE!!!!!

  16. i'm bored with rugby all together

    3rd most watched sporting event in the world?  sure about that?

  17. yea i'm bored-i think it's been dull dull dull!

  18. i dont think i even have a chance to get bored. The man I am with is so obsessed with it. I either have to fight with him over it or just succumb to it.

  19. Bored?  No, no, no.  I am loving every wonderful second of it.  After all, us "die hard" rugby fans have to wait 4 years for the next one.  I will tell you though, when I see the Springboks hold that cup up, I will be the happiest girl alive!  

    Off topic, why do people who obviously dont like rugby go to the trouble of clicking on the category only to say something either idiotic or plain nasty about the 3rd most watched sporting event in the world?

  20. no way

    england to blast into semis!!!....and then lose against all blacks

  21. Good call Debra, Why do people go out of their way to post stuff that they know will spark up a response? Getting tired of the "soccer is better than rugby morons" posting in the rugby section during the WC.

    And . . .I reckon you'll be waiting at lest another four years to see  a Springbok captain hoist the WC. The man holding the cup after the final will be wearing a black jersey!

  22. No i don't watch it so i cant get bored, just wait till the boring football world cup comes along

  23. Rugby has a cup?

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