
Are you born gifted?

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Are you born gifted?




  1. Yes, though early stimulation can influence brain development. I believe that gifted children will be gifted whether they have early stimulation or not. I was subjected to severe abuse when I was a child and I had poor grades. But, I always knew I was smarter than most people because Ididn't need to study to understand things. I just was rebellious and didn't want  to do anything.

  2. yes.

  3. YES!!! I took the short yellow bus to school!!!!! yeah baby.

  4. Personally I think the answer is a strong yes. I'd day a certainty. Each person has certain inate abilities that cannot be taught..they come by them naturally.. Tiger Woods, I believe is a good example to consider. He was born with certain athletic abilities and developed an understanding of his sport. While others have the natural ability to swing a golf club, his goes far beyond what the average golfer can do, Frank Sinatra was a born singer. Each person has natural talent gifts.. it is up to each of us to recognize those gifts and then capitalize on them.. A person who has a natural ability to understand numbers as in math will make a competent accountant, but you most likely cannot make that person into a successful salesman. Salesmanship comes easy to those who are born with the inate ability to relate to others..

  5. We are born with potential.  Whether or not we realize that potential depends on what happens to us after we are born.  Environment can make a huge difference.  Do a search for "nature vs nurture" and you will get lots of information on this topic.

  6. Every one is born gifted!!! It's just a matter of where your talents lie.  My youngest daughter has a high average IQ and she's learning disabled.  Does that mean that she's not gifted??? Heck no!! She is a world class cook and she has a great rapport with younger children. I have a nephew who's would be considered gifted with a high IQ in the 140's but he can't figure out what he's good at out side of school I think that's sad because you have to have a life outside of school and work. Being academically gifted isn't the only kinds of gifted that there is.  That statement helps perpetuate the stereo-type that people with learning disabilities are also developmentally delayed.  Which isn't the truth most people with LD have high to above average IQ s'.

  7. I think that it's a mix of genes and environment ...back to the whole nature vs nurture debate, I guess.  I think some of us are born with exceptional abilities and we're lucky if our parents/caregivers provide us with a stimulating environment as soon as (or before) we're born.
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