
Are you bothered when people don't have a smile in their voice?

by  |  earlier

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Say you're calling a place, credit card company to ask a question about your bill, insurance company to ask about your benefits...anywhere. When people assist you in those companies, they're supposed to have a 'smile in their voice'. When they don't seem happy to help you, are you bothered by the service? I know if someone has a smile in their voice, I remember them for a while, even if I don't remember their name. If they have a bad tone or seem like they'd rather be somewhere else, I remember them too, but not in a good way.

So, in short, does it bother you when people seem less than pleased to be helping you with whatever call you're making to find out whatever information you want to find out?




  1. As long as they help me with whatever I'm calling them about, I could care less.

  2. some people have depression, lost a love one, there mom or dad past away, they have cancer, or otherwise miserable circumstances ging on that we dont know about.

    its not that theyre mean, sometimes theyre just suffering and we dont know about it.

    but yes, we always prefer a smile if we had a choice.

  3. Ugh absolutely! It feels like its rude to me for some reason.

    Even in person it annoys me. It just seems like they are giving me an attitude or something

    Even I smile at work and am kind to customers, even though I'm not in a great mood lol.

  4. i am one of those people who when i hold the door open for someone and they dont say thank you, i say your welcome anyway. in fact i apoligize to someone at wawa because i made them do their job. i think people are loosing certain manors because they are always grumpy and in a rush and nobody likes their job. when i worked in an office and had to answer phones i was complimented because no matter what i felt or how tired i was i always gave good phone because that is what i expected from other people.  

  5. Yeah, you`re banking your head into the wall. We`re their customers. They have no right to treat us like this. When they need you, d**n it, they are so sweet.

    If I got pissed off, I`d phone to their ombudsman for an explaination!

  6. I do agree that when we call the receptionist[as in the person who answers Ur call] at any company is bound in a professional way to respond to Ur queries with a pleasing undertone.

    But to me, it is more than professionalism, it portrays the person's psychology or state of mind at that moment. True, at times people seem to sound not to pleased to answer u especially in a telephonic conversation,but then we seem to overlook the underlying reasons on most occasions and instead of thinking we blame the person for "neglecting" our cause. It so happens that sometimes people are in an irritated mood owing to taking calls every now and then.[i think even u would agree that at times if u get too many calls it irks u]or maybe that the person is new to the job and takes some time adjusting to the different 'users'[the tone which may be seem "neglection" to u perhaps is more or less professional to them]

    So i think before taking a decision on whether the receiver is pleasing to u, it is worth the thought that circumstances are not always pleasant to the person who is talking to u..

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