
Are you boycotting tuna and sushi after the Japanese slaughtered the dolphins so gruesomely?

by Guest67011  |  earlier

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The overfish to the point the earthly stock cannot replicate itself, its disgusting. Then they slaughter the dolphins for chasing tuna away. When will evil men ever stop thier murderous greed?




  1. I try to eat as little tuna as possible, and never have had sushi.

    But no I woudln't boycott steak if they killed wolves to stop eating them.

  2. When there are no people left to be greedy. I don't buy tuna from japan.

  3. Ernest Hemingway ate dolphin. Are you going to boycott his books?

    I'm not boycotting any meat or nation for it because I don't eat it in the first place. Sushi isn't meat by the way, you're probably thinking of sashimi.

  4. Yes, I like  tuna sushi and sashimi. Different people has different perspective with respect to how tuna sushi and sahimi is processed from. If one does not like, he/she does not have to eat it. Just like the oil drilling issue in Alaska or Florida coast line, if one does not like to explore oil there, he/she should drive less or not drive at all so the oil price will not get that high.

  5. There's no way I'm am going to stop eating Sashimi because its awesome.

  6. I don't eat a lot of tuna or sushi, so I am not boycotting it.  I like dolphins, but I am more preoccupied by the situation our country is in to be too involved in what is happening with the dolphins.  I am still waiting for the greedy, evil people in our government to give a c**p about the USA.

  7. how do u even know its tuna and sushi that is so sick i'm boycotting china!

  8. I would but my tin says dolphin friendly so no.

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