
Are you brave enough?

by  |  earlier

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Part of all indeviguale people are there faults from one another, and noone likes to admit vault in any area, are you brave enough to post yours.

myself I have a ton: I'm moody, I am cranky in the morning, I slack on anything that can be slacked on, I dont trust ANYONE to tell me the truth, I get gas and I dont go the rest room to let it out so I guess Im not lady like.

I am always checking up on my boyfriend and checking his phone, I am a gamble freek, I even dream about it. I only want s*x when I want it anyother time dont touch me, and I could go on and on, Now I'm I the only brave person at Answers




  1. im a freakin gangster i rep my set all day every day i have dreams of taking over the world

    i wanna destroy the global elite lol

    i wanna cleanse the earths water from all waste you sick humans have put in it

    i want to put an end to burning coal and oil

    clean the earth

    have cleaner soil no pesticides

    and be healthy and live like the F?UC??KIN NATURAL BEINGS WE WERE SUPPOSED TO BE

  2. Lets see...

    I cut my hand on purpose, then told everyone I scraped it against the door. And enjoyed the feeling of lying and knowing they believed it.

    I think really mean thoughts about my friends and family, but  snap at people who insult them then get mad at them (friends and fam.)  for the same reason as the people that insulted them in the first place.

    Am generally contemptous of everyone, then feel ugly, stupid and inadequate the very next second.

    l let people take the lead, then get mad because I can do it better. When given the lead, get flustered and give it up, then go back to being mad.

    Know I can do anything I put my mind to if I put everything in it. Not willing to put everything in it.

    Never tell anyone the whole truth about everything. Very shy and self-conscious,

    Awkward around people, daydream too much, have a far more elaborate daydream life than real life.

    This can be summed up to: I am a shy, typical, fourteen year old girl who is very subject to sudden emotional changes.

    P.S. Procrastinate (am supposed to be doing science homework on the cloning of Dolly the Lamb)

    Aside from that, I'm actually very responsible, good in school, good grades, generally the goody-two-shoes. And I don't say any of my mean thoughts out loud.

  3. I enjoy making explosives

    I play with thermite

    I play with shotguns and large caliber pistols

    I believe in getting  even

  4. i have mood swings

    i enjoy fire

    i enjoy rain,

    i wish the fire could wash away the rain

    i like caffine i can barley sleep when i consume it not night

    i wish these city lights can shut themselves and all the stars in the sky can shine

  5. I'm moody too

    I procrastinate alot

    I'm getting a D in like everything lol

    I get paranoid about my appearance

    I check my friends myspaces religously

    I use diet pills

    i hate myself alot

    I don't trust anyone 100%

    I cry lol

    I'm addicted to the internet, candy, diet pills, sleeping, and tv.
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