
Are you bummed or excited that school is coming back?

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Most people that are excited are just excited because they get to see their friends.




  1. i'm excited because i get to see my friends and leave my parents so i won't have to clean. But then i'm also bummed because we have all this work and grades getting back to :(

  2. I'm probably gonna be really excited on the first day, cuz its my first day of middle school! After the first day, it will probably be boring, unless I have funny teachers and the elective I want.

  3. A little bit of both. I'm looking forward to seeing all my friends (duh!) but I really like waking up at 10 and having sleepovers every week. I'll miss summer... What about you??

  4. I am excited because the kids are getting bored and not doing as much as they were at the start of summer.  I don't like seeing them inactive.

  5. Ha I don't care 'cause I quit!!! Ha!!!

    : )

  6. I'm totally excited! I get to get out of my house(where by parents and sister are always fighting) and i get to see all my new best friends dat i haven't seen in forever! Awesome!

  7. I dont want to go back. I hated ninth grade too much lol. I do want to see my friends and stuff, and I'm sure it wont be as bad as I expect, but I still dont want to go back. I love summer too much <3

  8. I'm homeschooled.

  9. I am excited because I am 2 years closer to graduating...and getting the h**l outta my parents house!!!


  10. I'm kind of bummed b/c I still have summer reading/hw to do >_<

    And I know there'll be stress b/c I'm taking AP classes

    Plus, since I'm in marching band, I see most of my friends everyday already

  11. It doesn't apply to me anymore since I've been done school for sometime but I remember there was anticipation, excitement and anger about returning to school.  Two months off a year was wonderful, seemed so free but at the same time friends were always off on vacations or never around for other reasons,

    so in a sense it was good then because friends were reaqauinted, but it sucked because freedom was lost.

  12. I'm not excited AT ALL. I only have a couple friends that I actually care about and we can just hang out at each others' houses. Who needs school to keep in touch? That's just lazy communication by everyone who needs school in order to stay in touch with friends.

  13. excited at FREAKING OUT

    b/c im a frshmen in highschool this year im sooo scared my brother graduated 2 years ago and he was popular im not and i have a big shadow to live in AHHHHHHh

    but besides that minor demema seein my friends will be awsome i havent seem most of them all summer  

  14. well i am excited that school is coming back because i will only have four class this year and that i have just two more years of high school Left!

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