I am studying Master Course of Education in Japan.My research is about Character education of American Christian Home-school.You know Japan is a rich country in economical, but poor in mental nowadays, and get worse and worse. The key to solve the problem, I think is character education of the youngers. I cannot see any hope from school education, I think I can find the hope from Homeschooling, especially in Chritian Homeschooling. But I know nothing about character education in American christian homeschooling. So I want do a research on how American christians homeschool their children in character education.
There are other quesetions I want to ask.
2.What goals do you have for your child's character education?3.Do you use curriculum to homeschool your children in character education?If so,what curriculum and what books do you use?If not, in what ways do you help your children grow in character?Thanks.