
Are you comfortable eating at a restauraunt by yourself on a friday night?

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Does anyone here think that people will think you are a loser because you have no friends and have to eat alone?




  1. When you're by yourself it's fun to sit at the bar and order your dinner. That way you can meet some people while you eat and won't feel so alone...

  2. to be honest, only if i was stuck on my own and extremely hungry, would i be seen eating on my own... other than that, you'll never see me eating on my own. its better being with someone anyways; you get to talk, its more comfortable... time passes by even faster... i dont know, thats just me

    and what about yourself???

  3. Yes, I have before. There are times when you just want solititude and enjoy your meal.

    However, the majority of the time I prefer the company of my wife. It is an enjoyable experience if you are with a friend, relative, or spouse. The dining experience is better when you have good company to talk and laugh with.

  4. Yea, that's the best way to meet new people! Sit at the bar top and start a conversation with the people sitting next to you! Ya gotta have confidence!

  5. it's awkward but i've done it before...outside the usa.

  6. look losers got to eat to. joking. look no biggy i do all the time. who cares what people think. i would go to any restraunt and eat by myself at anyhour of the day/night it was open on anyday. i really wouldn't care.

  7. If on vacation I would do it with no problem.  If at home I would probably prefer take-out or staying at home.

  8. I do lots of business traveling and Friday night out alone is common. I find that if you go to the least expensive place you can find you will find someone to chat with and enjoy a meal. Back packer hotels and so on. I prefer company when eating at a restaurant.

  9. I would try it... I never have... But I will have to try it...

  10. When I see people sitting eating by themselves for dinner I feel sorry for them... Everyone needs friends!

  11. Sure! Single people get hungry too!

  12. Fersure!

  13. ya i do but i'd rather be on a date or out with my friends.

  14. yea, but i like to go somewhere slow... if i'm alone, i want to be alone and enjoy it until next time... like... haha i dont want to see a big crowd just goofing around and having fun.. i'd go somewhere kinda quiet.. a small diner or something

    and definately not somewhere fancy or anything..

  15. Oh ya. All the s**y girls are out partying and I can shake my bootay! I love to pop lock and drop it!

  16. personally no some people might be comfortable. i think it would be easier for guys than girls.

  17. I would be fine eating by myself.  Would I worry about others thinking I was a loser, I could care less.  It just proves  I am comfortable enough with myself to not worry about whether or not others thought I was a loser.

  18. yes it would be nice to be alone and think and have great food

  19. yep.  I am married and I still dine by myself.  My hubby does not like chinese food and I LOVE I go aone and I could care less.  People spend way to much of their life worrying about what people think of them....if you can get past is  a lot more enjoyable.

  20. no I just traveled alone and hated it.  I felt fine eating at the bar but I woudln't want to sit at a table alone

  21. nope i dont even go out at night at all on the weekends unless i actually have something to do w/ other people

  22. I kinda am I feel alone but then I also feel happy that I can come and eat by myself and that I have some time to do things that I want to do

  23. i have no problem with that.  don't get me wrong, i'd love to be with friends or family.....but being alone doesn't bother me.

  24. Yeah, ya never know, you might get lucky.

  25. Yeah why not?

  26. The only thing I do alone is go shopping.

    I dont go out to eat or go to the movies alone....

    Not that there anything wrong with it but um

    I guess one would look lonely....

    My friends do it all the time..(go to the movies alone)

  27. I have no problem with doing things by myself. I don't think I'm a loser I enjoy my own company. If it's what you want who cares what anyone else thinks? I certainly dont

  28. oh lord no, well if i was old and had a really good book i just had to read, but, no i wouldnt.

  29. Yes.....I don't mind at all ,  

    all the best

  30. Not comfortable, no. If I have no Friday night plans, I just stay home. I go to movies alone, though.

  31. depends where i eat

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