
Are you comfortable knowing that if elected, Biden will be the actual President?

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and it will be business as usual with Washington insiders running the show? I don't think even Obama's ego can overcome the good old buddy Democratic machine Biden represents. Do you? Change? I don't think so.




  1. I just glad Hussein picked someone who thinks he is clean. To answer your question, nothing known to man can contain his massive ego. it will be his downfall.

  2. Where is your evidence to support this?  I'm very comfortable with an Obama/Biden ticket.  I like it a heck of a lot more than an Obama/Clinton ticket.

    Since Colin Powell will be Obama's Secretary of State, do you think it will also be business as usual?

  3. Hopefully the American voters will see Obama as the typical dem pol that caved in to dem leaders and not wlect him. It's just biz as usual in DC.

  4. Biden is a contradiction of everything Obama has preached since the early days of his campaign.  I suspect his base is not pleased.  He selected a Washington insider and career politician.  Sounds like the same ol' thing to me.

  5. Obama is starting to show his true colors by picking a far left running mate like Biden. As far as business usual the changes Obama has in mind for this country have nothing to do with changing politics in Washington. It has to do with turning this country into a haven for socialists and communists.

  6. I love Joe Biden...i met him like 3 times..he needs to represent!!!

  7. Yeah... I'm okay with Biden.  He's better than most of the tools in Washington.

    "The good old boy Democratic party machine"??????  Biden's from Delaware and has strong ties to labor.  Where do you people get this stuff?  At least do some research on someone if you are wanting to attack him.... Jesus, Biden's been in Congress since 1972, this won't be hard to do.  Man, people are lazy.  It won't be hard to be more specific than "good old buddy Democratic machine".... this attack is the weakest thing I have seen since the HUGS! guy.

  8. idk

  9. i think so...biden is a great choice, that "washington insider" label doesn't mean much to the general voter, republican od democrat.

  10. what is your reason for believing biden will be pres?

  11. Hard to say ?  i,m nervous about him running the american,s way of life and war !    right now just wait and see what happen ?   i,m sure that i,m not the only one that,s worry ?   but still if clinton won ?   holy c**p woman !   what,s she knows about running the war control ?  

  12. If elected, I’ll be comfortable with Obama being the ACTUAL President.

    You’re confusing Biden with Chaney.

  13. If I really thought that was a fact, I would vote for them.  Not happening though.

  14. I like Biden and think him a great choice...he would be a voice of reason

  15. Well, sure. And then Biden can take over giving all the speeches and learn something from Obama.

    Obama knows how to give good speeches.

    Biden gets in trouble because he tries to make sense while talking.

    Obama says nothing, but says nothing better then just about anyone.

  16. Based on your logic, it seems that "business as usual" is already happening right now at the White House as Cheney is running the "show".  

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