
Are you comfortable with your appearance?

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For guys and girls...

Do you have to put on a ton of makeup to feel acceptable? Do you like the way you look? Would you change yourself if you could? Why or why not? Tell me everything :-)




  1. I wasn't happy with myself but I have made some changes to help me along. I recently had a gastric bypass because my health was so bad I had no life and now it is slowly improving. funny thing is I stopped wearing make up before and now I want to wear it I guess because I do feel better about myself.

  2. I am happy with the way i look but i do go to the gym and eat well etc...i like to wear makeup when going out but i am happy without it. The only thing i would change is my skin! its a bit dry :(

  3. honestly, no, i hate the way i look most of the time.

    i constantly look in the mirror only to find more and more things to be upset about and i would change basically everything if i could. basic things actually, thinner, smaller nose better chin, higher cheekbones, smaller and more narrow feat, small pores etc etc and most definitely my eye color !

    though i do want to change all that, what i want to change the most is how i see myself. i want to raise my self esteem and self confidence, i want to be able to look in the mirror with out turning away saying "ew" and finding all these bad things. if anything i want to change the way on how i VIEW myself rather then the view.

  4. i would change myself if i could..

  5. not really

  6. I'm in my 60s and would like to look younger and get rid of some of my wrinkles and age spots. Makeup doesn't cover all of that.  However, I am comfortable with my appearance.

    If people don't like the way I look, they should turn away.


  8. I am twenty and honestly do not think that i am a good looking person.  My parents have a lot of money and give it too me.  I try to make up for my good looks by wearing expensive clothes such as Lacoste polos and khaki pants.  I usually wear pretty expensive clothes.  My parents are also attorneys  and have taught me how to argue with people.  I am d**n good at it but i wish i didn't have to feel like i needed to be smarter than everyone else.  

    Its a weakness that i have b/c i cannot be myself.  I wish i could not worry about what i am wearing or how i act.  I am usually condescending.   I do know that when i marry, i will marry someone who is smart or is smarter than me.  I tend to think people with advanced degrees tend to care less about looks.

    Once again, i am being insecure.  I think being good looking would be helpful, but i was given what i have.  I try to make the best out of it.  I play with the cards that were dealt with me.  Thank God i have money or else i do not know what i would do.  I am not a selfish person and am very generous.  

    Sometimes i wish that i could get to know people better without having to try.  Often, good looking people have a much easier time because they have faces that are pleasing to people.  I often look intense and unfriendly, but i cannot help that.  

    If i could, i would want to have a face that is more symmetrical.  My parents friends tell me that i am good looking, but it is not so for people my age.  I wish my eyes did not always look so baggy.  I think that my eyes are not aligned correctly.  .

    At the same time,  i would rather be not good looking and have a great family who provides for me than to be good looking and have a terrible family.  

    Its like a catch 22.  I love my families social status but hate how i look.  What if i were good looking, but had terrible social standings, i don't know.  

    I think i am pretty happy, and if you ask me this question ten years from, i think my answer will be different.

  9. i am 58 and comfortable with whom i am ih avepurish hair and i love to do things and don't care what people think.

  10. Honestly, I feel like confidence in yourself makes a big difference on how you feel with your appearance. I never liked my appearance. Yes, I was confident and whatever, but I just felt like my appearance was bad. But then people were becoming my friend, and being nice to me and whatever, so I had a lot of confidence in myself, and now I think I look very good.

    This all happened in less then a couple a' months, lol.

    Well, if I COULD change anything, I guess I'll make my brown eyes blue or light green...

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