
Are you comforted by your own fear?

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Are you comforted by your own fear?




  1. Only as long as knives and needles are a part of the comfort.

    What kind of question is this?

  2. All fear exists because of this truth. All fear is fear of punishment for disobeying God's directions.

  3. What a stupid question.

  4. No, I accept my mortality and don't expect to be whisked away to any 'afterlife' after I die.

  5. What fear?

  6. some are but don't see it that way , no i am not

  7. Fear? What are you talking about?

  8. Without fear I would be a zombie. I would never learn anything, so yes but it should be fears plural, given a life is a long time to think about stuff, and I consider fears to be learning opportunities...not scary things.

  9. I think yes in the end, because in the beginning fear is quite unpleasant.

  10. No, can't say I am.


  11. Um... no?

    Isn't what consitute a fear is the ability of it to make you uncomfortable?

    So if something can comfort you... it wouldn't qualify as a fear.

  12. hey there tahuti

    hhmmm yes and no

    its a comfort to know and be who you are, even if that is soemone who fears, its what you know, to have familiarity is to have comfort

    but of course fear itself is no comfortable, it stints your life, your growth (as a person haha) and your personality

    all fear is good for you, in healthy moderation, it keeps us on our toes and keeps life exciting, but, when you let it control you, when you fear everything and too much, thats when its no longer comfortable and needs changing

  13. the holy spirit is my comfort

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