
Are you concerned about what you eat?

by  |  earlier

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Take meat. Animals kept in horrible conditions and fed on c. rap.

(Fancy feeding a vegetarian animal on cheap minced sheep feed)

They are constantly given antibiotics, which stay in the meat on the supermarket shelf!

Anyway, my question is do people digest these antibiotics when we eat meat or do they get in our system?




  1. Yeah, I'm concerned. The smallest imbalances in our environment can cause huge problems for us. If pesticides can cause frogs to grow an extra leg, why not us?

    Why were people so much smaller (as a rule) a hundred years ago? Why is it a full third of the population is not overweight, but obese? I know a lot of people who would qualify as obese, and to be honest, I watch them eat, and they eat about as much as I do (and I have a BMI of 20). It's not that they need to eat less, but they need to eat cleaner. Their bodies simply go into denial over all the toxic stuff they eat, and just store it in fat cells because they are incapable of dealing with it.

    And they they tell me, "I'll die when my time comes. I want to live a full life and enjoy it, and it's too short to not eat good food", to which I reply, I'll die when my time comes, too, but until then, I don't want to sacrifice a single minute because of my health".

    So yes, be concerned. Be very concerned. Watch out for yourself, because the government and food programs are simply not going to do it for you. Nothing can be honest when money is involved.

  2. why do you think our health care system is so over taxed with sick people??

    weird diseases, cancers,Alzheimer's, strokes, autism, ADHD, girls and boys developing b***s, early puberty, etc. etc. and all the while complaining about their bad health while chowing down on a happy meal....

  3. You do digest antibiotics when eating animals. That is why lots of people go veg. It is scary thinking about all the things we don't know about the meat industry.

  4. Oh dear.

    "Animals kept in horrible conditions and fed on c. rap." I don't dispute that MANY are kept that way, but ***NOT*** all.

    Since the BSE crisis it has been illegal to give reconstituted carcasses to feed vegetarian farm animals.

    Antibiotics? Yep, again though, that doesn't apply to all meat, and it's pretty easy to avoid if you are concerned.

    Those antibiotics **do** have an effect on humans, and for that reason (among others) I avoid poor grade meat.

    Producers, some care - some don't, but they are tied in to giving the consumer what they want. If the consumer wants cheap meat, and doesn't think about it being god awful, from stressed animals laced with drugs then the producer that doesn't fulfil that demand will go to the wall.

  5. Sensibly concerned -yes.  Obsessively panicky-no

  6. Of course, everything that an animal takes in gets passed along to the person who eats it.  We can thank meat eaters and the animal agriculture industry for helping bacteria mutate so that many antibiotics are no longer able to kill them because animals and people have constant levels of antibiotics in their systems, making them ineffective.

  7. Well, i'll just throw one fact into the discussion for you....

    In the USA and some parts of Australiasia they use a hormone growth agent called recombinant bovine somatotropin. Its brand name is POSILAC® and its made by Monsanto. This increases milk yield and beef growth. This is a synthetic hormone.

    Its banned in the EU since 1988 because its been proven to remain in milk and beef after processing ( i.e on the shelf ).

    Europe, Argentina, Brazil and China think its too dangerous to use, and yet many meat eaters and milk drinkers in the USA consume it.........probably without knowing.

    I don't think its much of a co-incidence that Monsanto are one of the largest food lobbyist voices on Capitol Hill

  8. If we eat meat that has been treated with antibiotics then we will of course digest them and they will most certainly get into our systems.

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