
Are you confused by the different lights/signs in school zones?

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There are over 15 different signs in WA state....

Seems like we'd spend more time reading the signs and our speedometer than looking out for kids!

Why not just have one or two of the SAME signs at every school?




  1. I agree and I live in WA state also,, it is dangerous to have so many differant signs and colors of signs..also not good to have so many differant heads light on cars...some almost look green, blue, to white..blinking up and down....who in the world comes up with these stupid there are so many headlights out of ajustment and the poolicce don't do a thing about it..

  2. School zone, you slow down, kids crossing, you stop.  School bus loading or unloading, you don't pass.  What's so hard about that?  

    I haven't read a school zone sign for over 40 years, except for the one that tells me where it is.  Everything else is common sense, it doesn't change from school to school, and you shouldn't have to be watching your speedometer, you should just KNOW that the car is at the correct speed.

  3. Not really, school zone 20 mph, kids crossing, flashing lights and so on, just drive safe and be aware of were you are, at school.

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