
Are you considered a christian if you dont pray or go to church?

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Are you considered a christian if you dont pray or go to church?




  1. Doesn't matter if other people consider you a Christian. It only matters if God does.

  2. "Where two or more are gathered in My name".  This is a direct quote. There was no real church before Peter started the different small gatherings that later became the church.  There was no Christian church before then.  In Rome, it was paganism and other cultures had their ancient religions that were practiced prior to Jesus.  However, I believe that if you're living a clean, good life, that you respect yourself and others, that you daily practice goodness and charity, you are indeed behaving as Jesus would want.  The church is a building and they want you there to help pay for things, through tithing.

  3. I would say if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your savior and believe that he is the son of God and died for our sins, then yes, you are a christian.  However there would be some people who would say that not going to church (ever?) means your no longer one (I don't agree with that).  It is entirely possible and sometimes much more rewarding to have a personal relationship with God than to simply have perfect attendance at church.

    My answer boils down to this, church attendance and prayer are not prerequisites to being a Christian; However, if you need to ask this question then you probably know the answer deep down, and it may not be what you'd like it to be.

  4. Yes you’re still a Christian

  5. I don't really know the technicalities but I personally wouldn't consider you a Christian until you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Personal Savior.  

  6. if you believe in Christ, then you're a Christian. Going to church isn't a requirement, it's just a good way to be surrounded by fellow believers. The bible tells us to have fellowship with other believers, but going to church isn't a MUST.....Praying, however is acknowledging God. Giving him your time and showing him that you appreciate him and giving him thanks.  If someone I loved never talked to me but claimed to love me back, I would probably question their love in a big way.

  7. Yes, but the satisfaction won't be the same as if you did.

    God loves His children & wants the best for them, spiritually.

    That is why He gave us the Bible, to help guide us in our walk with Him.

    God bless. <><

  8. just look at the word christian it means christ like not saying we are divine but meaning we try to to follow His teachings   so ask urself do u  

  9. 'Christians' generally pray and go to church, but you could feasibly be a Christian without going to church, and without praying formally.

    If you accepted Jesus as your savior and whatnot - then you should be on the safe side in the unlikely event that the bible is anything other than an ancient collection of collected wisdom and supernatural nonsense.

    I'm basically an agnostic, since 'God' can't be proven or disproven.

  10. yes, God does not judge whether we pray or go to church, as long as we believe that He is our Lord & Saviour

  11. so now im considered a christian ??

  12. once you accept Jesus into your life, no matter how far you are from Him, you will always be a christian.

    He will always find a way to bring you back.

  13. Everyone is, they just may not know it yet.

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