
Are you considered insane if you talk to yourself?

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Ha sometimes to practice things, I'll say stuff to myself in a mirror and then see how well I'll talk about it later in front of someone and sometimes I might say something to myself in public and sometimes people ask me If I was talking to them but I say no. I don't want people to think I am mentally unstable and I mean...haha I can't really help it. When there's no one to talk to, why not talk to youself lol.




  1. I would say anyone that doesn't talk to themselves is pretty crazy.  Talking to yourself is normal, it's just thinking out loud.

  2. Um no its fine

    its just awkward if you yell things to yourself in public settings

  3. Society doesn't accept it, but I think it is perfectly fine to talk to yourself. I do it too! I sometimes understand things better if I talk out the situation instead of just thinking about it. I'm sure a lot of people talk to themselves and just don't admit it. A reason why you might do this is because you are shy. I don't know, that is something you have to answer. Good luck! e-mail me if you want to talk!

  4. Maybe a quick fix- keep a voice-activated recorder with you at all times, then in your spare moments, >play it all back< and listen to yourself(!)

    Should you find some worth-while stuff, save them, and better yet, transcribe to a written record. For one thing, you will find if you are just repeating stuff, or developing something original and useful.

    Um- all this playback of stuff you already know could cause burnout, tho there's the possibility of some new discovery that you swept by without a second thought.  

  5. whoa dude or dudet,  yea that sounds pretty bad , you should find a talky friend so that won't scare you lol.

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